Meaning of Taylor Swift – epiphany (ترجمه‌ی فارسی) lyrics by Genius Farsi Translations (ترجمه‌ی فارسی)

The song "epiphany" by Taylor Swift, translated by Genius Farsi Translations, reflects on the experiences and struggles of individuals serving in war or working on the frontlines of medical emergencies. The lyrics depict scenes of soldiers and medical professionals facing life-threatening situations and witnessing the pain and suffering of others.

In the verse, the mention of keeping a helmet and a rifle signifies the protective gear and weaponry used in war, while the line "just a flesh wound" indicates that even minor injuries can have significant consequences. The reference to crawling up the beaches and the dialogue about someone bleeding out suggest a war setting and the urgency of the situation.

The chorus emphasizes the strong bond between individuals serving in these circumstances. It speaks of serving together and falling down together, highlighting the solidarity and shared experience among those involved. The repetition of "watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out" emphasizes the focus on survival and the importance of being present for each other.

Verse 2 introduces the perspective of a medical professional, specifically mentioning someone's daughter and someone's mother, highlighting the emotional attachment and responsibility healthcare workers feel towards their patients. The mention of holding hands through plastic and the concern that the patient might be crashing out indicate the challenges and uncertainties faced by medical professionals during emergencies.

The bridge further explores the emotional toll on these individuals. The line "only twenty minutes to sleep" reflects the limited rest time they have, suggesting the intensity of the situation. The dream of an epiphany and seeking relief indicates the longing for some understanding or clarity amidst the chaos and trauma they have witnessed.

The chorus and outro repeat the themes of serving together and watching each other's breath, further emphasizing the unity and shared experiences of these individuals.

Overall, "epiphany" explores the struggles, sacrifices, and emotional impact experienced by those on the frontlines of war and medical emergencies. The song highlights the need for support, understanding, and recognition of their efforts and the toll such experiences can take on their mental and emotional well-being.


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