Meaning of Harry Styles - Golden (Norsk Oversettelse) lyrics by Genius Norwegian Translations

The song "Golden" by Harry Styles, translated into Norwegian, reflects on themes of longing, hopefulness, and the fear of heartbreak. The protagonist is infatuated with someone who represents a source of light and happiness in their life. The repeated phrases "gylden" (golden) and "du er så gylden" (you are so golden) emphasize the significance and positive impact this person has.

In the first verse, the protagonist describes the feeling of waking up and being captivated by the beauty and brightness of this person. They acknowledge that the person may have been too vibrant and intense for them, causing feelings of hopelessness and brokenness. However, they also convey a sense of anticipation for being reunited with the person in heaven.

The chorus explores the protagonist's desire to not be alone and the fear that the potential ending of their connection may bring. They express an emotional vulnerability, acknowledging the potential for heartbreak.

The second verse delves into the fear of being alone and the internal struggle of wanting to keep the person close, even though they can sense their hold on them. The protagonist feels controlled by the person's influence over their identity and all they have ever known. The phrase "å elske deg er motgiften" (loving you is the antidote) suggests that being in love with this person is both a remedy and a possible curse.

The bridge repeats the word "gylden" and highlights the protagonist's understanding that the person may be afraid because they are open and vulnerable. This vulnerability adds depth and authenticity to their connection.

Overall, "Golden" explores the intense emotions of infatuation, the yearning for togetherness, and the fear of heartbreak that comes with loving someone so deeply. The song portrays a complex relationship where the protagonist recognizes the risk but is willing to embrace the highs and lows for the sake of love.


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