Meaning of Taylor Swift - hoax (Русский перевод) lyrics by Genius Russian Translations (Русские переводы)

"hoax" by Taylor Swift, translated into Russian by Genius Russian Translations, explores themes of heartbreak, deception, and the aftermath of a toxic relationship. The lyrics paint a picture of a relationship filled with betrayal and pain.

In the first verse, the narrator describes their partner as a "smoking gun" and their love as an eclipse, signifying that this relationship has caused them immense harm and distress. The reference to a "treacherous dagger" and sleepless nights suggests that the narrator has been hurt by their partner's actions.

The chorus conveys the narrator's desperation for an explanation for the pain they are experiencing. The line "Your unbelieving love is the only hoax that I believe in" suggests that despite the deception and betrayal, the narrator still clings to the idea of love with their partner. They express their unwillingness to feel any other kind of sadness apart from the one caused by this particular relationship.

In the second verse, the narrator refers to their partner's skillfulness and their own life being left lifeless, as if consumed by the flames of their partner's actions. This imagery showcases the emotional devastation caused by the relationship.

The bridge reveals that the narrator has left a part of themselves in New York and that their partner knew that the hero, or the narrator, was already gone, so there was no need for a movie or further illusions. The mention of scars and pain indicates that the narrator has experienced emotional and possibly physical harm due to their partner's actions. Despite knowing the password, symbolizing intimacy and trust, the partner has still acted deceptively. The narrator expresses that their pain matches the torment they endured.

In the outro, the narrator refers to their partner as their "only" and their reign as having ended, illustrating that the relationship was a dominant and significant part of their life. They reiterate their desire to only feel sadness associated with their partner, emphasizing that no other type of sadness is wanted or needed.

Overall, "hoax" delves into the aftermath of a toxic relationship, highlighting the pain, deception, and longing for answers that the narrator experiences. It portrays a narrative of heartbreak and the struggle to let go of a love that was ultimately destructive.


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