Meaning of The Weeknd - Scared To Live (Русский перевод) lyrics by Genius Russian Translations (Русские переводы)

"The Weeknd - Scared To Live" is a song about letting go of a toxic relationship and encouraging the other person to start a new life. The lyrics express a sense of regret and reflection on past actions, as well as a desire for personal growth.

In the first verse, the singer acknowledges that he should have let go of the unhappy relationship and allowed the other person to find their own happiness. However, he held onto them, perhaps out of fear or desperation to keep them close. The line "Dолжен был понять, что тебе было одиноко" (I should have understood that you were lonely) suggests that the person he was with was not truly happy with him.

The chorus emphasizes the idea of starting fresh and not being afraid of beginning a new life. The repeated lines "Так что не бойся начать жизнь с чистого листа" (So don't be afraid to start over) highlight the importance of leaving behind the past and embracing new opportunities for growth and happiness.

The second verse explores the idea that the person the singer was with struggles to move on and find love with someone else because their heart still belongs to him. The line "Ты всегда упускаешь шанс влюбиться в кого-то другого" (You always miss the chance to fall in love with someone else) suggests that the person is unable to let go of their feelings for the singer.

The bridge reveals a sense of regret from the singer, as he admits that he should have made the other person his own, but it's too late now. This line carries a tone of resignation and acceptance of the fact that the relationship has come to an end.

The overall theme of the song revolves around the idea of letting go, starting anew, and finding personal growth and happiness after the end of a toxic relationship. It serves as a reminder that it's important to release the past and embrace the possibility of a better future.

In terms of symbolism and metaphors, the concept of "starting from a clean slate" is repeated throughout the song, representing the fresh start and new beginning that the singer encourages the other person to take. It's a metaphorical representation of leaving behind the baggage and emotional weight of the past relationship.

In conclusion, "The Weeknd - Scared To Live" is a soulful ballad that explores the ideas of letting go, personal growth, and starting over after the end of a toxic relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of regret, reflection, and encouragement for the other person to find their own happiness and begin a new chapter in their life.


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