Meaning of YNW Melly - Murder on My Mind (Русский перевод) lyrics by Genius Russian Translations (Русские переводы)

"Murder on My Mind" by YNW Melly, in this Russian translation by Genius Russian Translations, is a song that explores the thoughts and emotions of the artist in a volatile state. The lyrics depict a troubled individual caught between his internal struggles and the harsh reality of his environment.

The song begins with the artist isolated in the studio, seeking help and feeling conflicted. The first verse reveals the artist's frustrations: being unable to escape drug addiction, having been incarcerated and separated from loved ones, and feeling misunderstood and judged by others. He copes by smoking and using drugs to numb his pain, explaining that it is the only thing that brings him relief. He also reflects on the complexities of his relationships with women, stating that he loves them from a distance due to the frequent disappointment and deception he has experienced.

The chorus delves into the artist's mindset upon waking up, where thoughts of murder consume his thoughts. He mentions various types of firearms, expressing that he faces hate and attempts to confuse him, but he refuses to allow others to derail his mindset. The repetition of the lyrics emphasizes the persistency of these violent thoughts.

In the second verse, the artist describes a scenario where he is involved in a violent incident. There is a reference to someone being killed, with graphic details about the body, the clothing stained with blood, and the emotional turmoil experienced by the victim. The artist expresses regret, stating that he did not want to shoot the person but felt compelled to do so because he was caught off guard. The verse ends with the person dying in the artist's arms, creating a distressed and chaotic scene.

The third verse continues the dark theme, with the artist adopting a highly aggressive persona. He identifies himself as a beast and a killer, referring to an encounter with someone named Angela that was recorded. He seems to revel in the idea of causing harm and making his adversaries suffer. He mentions the notion of death on his mind again with an almost sadistic enjoyment.

Overall, "Murder on My Mind" delves into the mentality of a troubled individual who struggles with addiction, incarceration, strained relationships, and violent thoughts. It offers a glimpse into their mindset, capturing the tumultuous emotions they experience daily. It is important to note that this interpretation is based solely on the lyrics and context provided, and as with any artwork, individual interpretations may vary.


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