Meaning of Ghost - Mary On A Cross (Русский перевод) lyrics by Genius Russian Translations (Русские переводы)

"Ghost - Mary On A Cross (Русский перевод)" by Genius Russian Translations (Русские переводы) is a song that explores themes of sacrifice, love, and devotion. Through the use of religious imagery and metaphors, the lyrics convey a sense of longing and dedication.

In the verses, Papa Nihil reflects on the challenges and sacrifices he and his partner have faced. They have traversed dark streets, gained fame and fortune, but ultimately found sadness and bruises along the way. Despite these hardships, they persevere, constantly rising higher. Papa Nihil repeatedly asserts that he will never let go of his lover, emphasizing their commitment and unwavering devotion.

The chorus references the image of Mary on the cross, drawing a parallel to the pain and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Mary is depicted as falling, a depiction of vulnerability and surrender. However, Papa Nihil states that there is nothing wrong with falling like Mary and being vulnerable. This suggests that embracing vulnerability and surrendering can lead to a deeper connection and understanding in a relationship.

In the second verse, Papa Nihil acknowledges that they have tried to understand the reasons for conforming and playing by the rules, but they quickly realize that these rules are for fools. They reject societal expectations and norms, choosing instead to rise above and embrace their unique path.

The outro reiterates the acceptance and lack of negativity in falling like Mary on the cross, emphasizing that there is nothing inherently wrong or harmful in surrendering and displaying vulnerability.

The song utilizes religious symbolism and references to convey the depth of devotion and sacrifice within a relationship. The mention of Mary on a cross alludes to the crucifixion of Jesus and the concept of selflessness and ultimate sacrifice. By likening their own love and devotion to this religious symbol, the song hints at the profound commitment and willingness to endure hardships for the sake of love.

Overall, "Ghost - Mary On A Cross (Русский перевод)" presents a message of unwavering dedication, openness to vulnerability, and the beauty of self-sacrifice in a loving relationship. It encourages embracing vulnerability and letting go of societal expectations in order to forge a deeper connection with one another.


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