Meaning of Taylor Swift - Glitch (Srpski Prevod) lyrics by Genius Srpski Prevodi

December 2, 2023

The song "Glitch" by Taylor Swift, translated into Serbian by Genius Srpski Prevodi, explores the ups and downs of a complicated romantic relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of uncertainty and fluctuating emotions.

In the first verse, the singer mentions that the person they are involved with was supposed to be just a friend, but now they are considering seeing each other on the weekend. The singer's mood and situation influence this decision, suggesting a certain level of instability.

The chorus introduces the idea of a glitch or malfunction in the relationship. The singer feels like something went wrong, resulting in them feeling attached to the other person despite any regrets. The nights are described as starry but illuminated by a "bloody moonlight," implying a sense of darkness or conflict.

The second verse suggests that the singer had intended to exhaust themselves by searching for random and magnificent events on someone else's playground. However, it has been 2190 days since they "passed out from love," indicating a long-standing connection. The system is described as breaking down, adding to the feeling of a glitch or malfunction in the relationship.

The chorus is repeated again, emphasizing the feeling of something going wrong. The singer continues to feel tied to the other person even though there may be regrets. The imagery of starry nights and bloody moonlight is repeated, reinforcing the sense of turmoil.

In the third verse, the singer reflects on a brief interruption or mistake. They contemplate going back to seeking out guys who don't give them anything, suggesting that they thought the relationship had no chance. However, love is described as such, and they suggest dancing together.

Overall, "Glitch" conveys a sense of confusion and instability within a romantic relationship. The lyrics explore the idea that sometimes love can be unpredictable and lead to unexpected emotional responses.


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