Meaning of DEMONS lyrics by Iggy Azalea

October 30, 2023

The song "DEMONS" by Iggy Azalea revolves around themes of ambition, self-confidence, and determination in the face of adversity.

In the first verse, Iggy expresses her desire to be successful and wealthy, even wishing to "die rich." She is unapologetically focused on securing financial stability and maintaining a strong reputation. Iggy contrasts her dedication and hustle with those who merely play around with their ambitions, emphasizing her superiority in terms of work ethic.

The chorus emphasizes the idea of "Demons" as motivation or driving forces in pursuing one's goals. These "demons" symbolize the inner desires and visions that push individuals to strive for success and stay on their chosen path. Iggy encourages listeners to embrace their ambitions and let their inner "demons" guide them.

In the post-chorus, Iggy reiterates her loyalty to herself and her dreams, emphasizing her determination to stay true to her authentic self. She refuses to conform to societal expectations or compromise her identity.

In the second verse, Iggy flaunts her wealth and extravagant lifestyle. She confidently asserts her success and dismisses anyone who doubts her abilities. She implies that she is constantly moving forward, never stopping or settling for mediocrity.

Overall, "DEMONS" is a song that showcases Iggy Azalea's relentless drive and ambition. It celebrates the strength and determination needed to achieve success, encouraging listeners to embrace their own ambitions and fearlessly pursue their dreams.


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