Meaning of Personal Problem lyrics by Iggy Azalea

August 14, 2023

"Personal Problem" by Iggy Azalea is a confident and empowering anthem that addresses the singer's detractors and showcases her self-assured attitude. The song emphasizes her success, independence, and disregard for people who bring negativity into her life.

In the first verse, Iggy Azalea asserts herself as the "bad guy" if it pleases her detractors, highlighting her indifference towards their opinions. She describes how her time is valuable and she doesn't have the patience to deal with people who are not contributing positively to her life. She metaphorically compares her success to winning a game with cheat codes, while deeming her opponents as going downhill, needing a ski pole to support them. This represents her belief in her own abilities and the idea that she is far ahead of those who try to bring her down.

The pre-chorus asserts her confidence in handling any challenge or confrontation, promising to settle scores with her foes. This further reinforces her determination to rise above and not let negativity affect her.

The chorus reflects Iggy Azalea's disregard for those who have personal issues with her. She dismissively states that it is their personal problem, implying that their negativity has no impact on her persona or success. She positions herself confidently at the top, while relegating her detractors to the bottom.

In the second verse, Iggy Azalea proudly acknowledges her wealth and success, emphasizing her strength and authenticity while denouncing others as fake. She warns them to back off if they provoke her and suggests that they need a reality check, implying that they are unaware of their own shortcomings. She ends the verse with the metaphorical imagery of blowing out their candles, symbolizing her ability to extinguish their presence in her life.

In conclusion, "Personal Problem" is a song that showcases Iggy Azalea's self-assurance, confidence, and ability to rise above negativity. It serves as a reminder that she defines her own worth and refuses to be affected by the negative opinions of others.


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