Meaning of I’m So Blessed You’re Mine lyrics by James Blake

October 9, 2023

The song "I'm So Blessed You're Mine" by James Blake appears to be a celebration of love and gratitude towards a significant other. The lyrics convey a sense of surprise and admiration for the presence of this person in the singer's life.

The pre-chorus suggests the singer's willingness to accept the current state of their relationship, asking if it is alright the way it is. The phrase "Lover, I've seen it all now, now I've seen this" might imply that the singer has experienced various romantic situations but has never encountered a love like this before. The mention of "smoke" could symbolize the unexpected nature of their meeting, perhaps indicating that the love between them was not something either of them anticipated.

The chorus repeats the phrase "I'm so blessed you're mine," emphasizing the singer's gratitude for having this person in their life. The repetition of this line reinforces the depth of their appreciation and the joy they derive from their relationship. The addition of "Girl" in parentheses further personalizes the expression, suggesting that the song's lyrics are directed towards a specific individual.

In the second pre-chorus, the singer poses the question of whether it's alright to try again, possibly suggesting a desire to improve or strengthen the relationship. The line "You never saw a life with me, but away we go" could indicate that although their significant other did not envision a future together initially, they are still willing to embark on this journey and see where it takes them.

Overall, "I'm So Blessed You're Mine" conveys a sense of deep appreciation for the presence of a loved one in the singer's life and highlights the joy and gratitude they feel for this relationship.


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