Meaning of COFFIN lyrics by Jessie Reyez (Ft. Eminem)

The song "COFFIN" by Jessie Reyez (featuring Eminem) explores the complex and toxic nature of a dysfunctional relationship. The entire song imagines a scenario where both partners are so deeply in love with each other that they would rather die together than live apart.

In the first verse, Reyez describes a situation where she and her partner have been fighting all night and she is struggling with suicidal thoughts. She admits to feeling overwhelmed with love for her partner, even though he has told her he hates her and wishes she were dead. She imagines a "suicidal love roulette" where they are both willing to die for each other.

In the chorus, Reyez proclaims that her love for her partner is so deep that she would jump off a roof with him if it meant being together. She imagines a coffin handmade for two, emphasizing their tragic fate.

In the second verse, Reyez takes the perspective of someone who has just jumped off the roof and is falling to her death. She imagines seeing her partner through a window and hopes that he will save her. However, he runs past her and jumps after her, leading them both to their inevitable end.

In the third verse, Eminem acknowledges his own faults in the relationship and expresses his desire to make things work. However, he reveals that his partner accuses him of cheating and that he feels he is being sabotaged. He expresses his frustration with the situation and imagines writing her out of his will. In the end, he declares that he would jump off the roof with her because they are "just a couple of fools."

Overall, the song "COFFIN" is a powerful portrayal of a dysfunctional and toxic relationship that is defined by its tragic ending. The lyrics explore the intense passion that can exist between two people, even when that passion leads to destruction. Reyez and Eminem's performances convey the raw emotion and desperation of the situation, making for a haunting and memorable song.


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