Meaning of I Wish (Death Poem) lyrics by Ka

June 22, 2023

"I Wish (Death Poem)" by Ka is a poignant and introspective reflection on the life of a drug dealer. In the song, the speaker expresses deep regret and a longing for a different life, which he wished for as a child blowing out candles on a birthday cake. However, as he grew up, he found himself caught up in the world of drug dealing - a life of risk, violence, and uncertainty.

The verses detail the speaker's experiences as a drug dealer, where he had to constantly face the threat of being caught by the police or rival drug dealers. He describes the adrenaline rush of making deals and the dangers of carrying out his job, but also acknowledges the harsh reality of the consequences of his actions.

Through this song, Ka seems to be grappling with conflicting emotions about his past and present, wishing for a different life but also acknowledging the reckless and dangerous thrill of the life he lived. The sample at the end of the song alludes to the samurai code of honor, suggesting that the speaker is trying to find a way to cope with the violence and danger of his life while maintaining some sort of inner peace and balance. Ultimately, "I Wish (Death Poem)" is a powerful meditation on the human cost of the drug trade and the yearning for a different path in life.


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