Meaning of I Kissed a Girl (Remix) lyrics by Katy Perry (Ft. Mims)

"I Kissed a Girl" is a popular song that raised a lot of attention and led to discussions about sexuality and female empowerment. The song portrays a woman, Katy Perry, who is curious about what it would be like to kiss another woman. She drinks and loses her inhibition and ultimately kisses another woman. She expresses that the kiss felt both wrong and right but insists that it doesn't mean she's in love. The song represents the idea of sexual exploration and experimentation and the desire to try new things.

The remix version features MIMS, who adds a rap verse. He talks about his girlfriend kissing another girl and how he can do the same in the name of experimentation. He seems to enjoy the fact that his girlfriend is exploring her sexuality, but he also appears to be slightly jealous that she's getting more attention than he is.

Overall, the song promotes the idea of sexual freedom and self-expression, and the line "Ain't no big deal, it's innocent" in the bridge emphasizes the idea that sexual experimentation does not equate to promiscuity or immorality. It's a playful and fun song that encourages people to explore their desires and break free from societal norms.


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