Meaning of Breakaway lyrics by Kelly Clarkson

March 8, 2023

"Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson is a song about breaking free from personal limitations, chasing dreams, and finding a sense of purpose. The lyrics describe the artist's journey from a small town with limited opportunities to chasing their dreams and taking risks to achieve them.

The first verse sets the stage where the artist grew up in a small town and often found themselves daydreaming about the possibilities of the outside world. However, they were unable to connect with those around them, and it seemed like no one could hear them. The chorus follows up with the artist's desire to break out of the darkness and into the sun, making wishes, taking chances, and making changes.

The second verse depicts the artist's desire to leave their hometown and explore the world. They yearn to feel the ocean breeze, sleep under a palm tree, and travel on a fast train. The bridge of the song touches on the unknowns of chasing one's dreams, but emphasizes the importance of moving forward regardless.

In the second chorus, the artist acknowledges the difficulties of leaving behind their old life, but emphasizes the need to take risks and make changes to pursue their goals. The outro is a repetition of the chorus, with the phrase "break away" serving as a call to action for the artist and the listener alike to take chances and step outside of their comfort zones to pursue their dreams. Overall, the song emphasizes the need to overcome personal limitations and pursue one's passions in order to achieve a fulfilling life.


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