Meaning of Dummy Man lyrics by Krayzie Bone

April 5, 2023

The song "Dummy Man" by Krayzie Bone portrays the life of a drug dealer who goes to any length to make money. The chorus introduces the dealer as "Dummy Man" who wakes up early to sell drugs to addicts, who often become angry when they realize the drug is fake. The first verse describes the dealer's desperation in wanting to make money so he can afford a "dime" of weed. When he realizes he has nothing to sell, he uses soap to create counterfeit drugs. The dangerous practice of selling fake drugs could get him killed, but he risks it to make money.

The second part of the verse explains how the dealer uses bread crumbs to make the soap look like crack cocaine. The verse is filled with descriptions of how the dealer adds different substances to the fake drug to make it more convincing. He even uses Orajel to create numbness in the mouth, which is a common side effect of actual crack cocaine. Notably, the dealer does not care about the harm he is potentially causing to the addict who ingests the fake drug.

The chorus repeats, emphasizing the fact that the dealer is selling fake drugs to addicts. The second verse describes the dealer getting lucky when a fiend falls for his scam and pays him. The dealer gets away with it, but he worries the fiend will return angry because he suspects the drug he received was not genuine.

Overall, the song presents a sad and disturbing picture of the life of a drug dealer who is so desperate for money that he resorts to selling fake drugs to addicts. The lyrics reflect a world where real drugs are not always readily available, and people will do anything to make money, regardless of the consequences.


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