Meaning of Strangelove lyrics by Lana Del Rey

July 24, 2023

"Strangelove" by Lana Del Rey is a song that explores the unconventional and mysterious nature of love. The lyrics depict a chance encounter between the narrator and a stranger, who becomes their "strange love." The song delves into the complex emotions and connections that can arise from unexpected relationships.

In the chorus, the narrator questions if they are what the stranger dreams of and wonders what qualities make someone fall in love. This reflects a desire for reassurance and a deeper understanding of the stranger's feelings.

The first verse describes the initial meeting, where the narrator's car breaks down and the stranger arrives on a motorcycle. This imagery of a desolate desert road and the darkness of the night sets a mysterious tone, symbolic of the unknown and unpredictable aspects of love. The mention of dancing under Christmas lights suggests a temporary escape from reality, but it is also accompanied by thunder and lightning, hinting at potential turbulence in the relationship.

The second verse portrays the stranger taking the narrator to the outskirts of town, a secluded place where they find solace. The line "You liked it best when no one else could find you or could bother" suggests a preference for privacy and intimacy. The reference to pouring mint juleps and confessing not loving someone else highlights the exclusivity and uniqueness of the bond between the narrator and the stranger. It could imply that their connection thrives in their shared dark or hidden pasts.

The bridge acknowledges the similarity between the narrator and the stranger, describing a shared darkness in their hearts and experiences. This suggests that they may have faced similar hardships or challenges, which brings them together and allows them to understand one another deeply. The bridge also expresses a desire to love and comfort the stranger, acting as a source of support and strength in their lives.

In the outro, the repetition of "You have a dark heart, like mine" reinforces the theme of finding solace and kinship in shared darkness. It suggests that the narrators' connection is based on their ability to relate to one another on a more profound level. It implies that their understanding of each other's pain and struggles fosters a unique bond, ultimately reinforcing the idea of their "strange love."

Overall, "Strangelove" delves into the beauty and complexities of unconventional relationships and explores the significance of shared experiences and emotions in forming deep connections with others.


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