Meaning of Ebony and Ivory lyrics by Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder

The song "Ebony and Ivory" by Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder explores the theme of racial harmony and unity. The lyrics emphasize that despite our differences, people of different races and backgrounds can coexist peacefully and harmoniously.

In the chorus, the phrase "Ebony and ivory" is used metaphorically to represent black and white people. The line "Live together in perfect harmony" conveys the idea that individuals from different backgrounds should be able to live together peacefully and without conflict. The reference to the piano keyboard reinforces this symbolism of unity, as the black and white keys work together to create beautiful music.

The verse suggests that all people are essentially the same, regardless of their race. It acknowledges that everyone has both good and bad qualities. The line "We learn to live, we learn to give each other what we need to survive together alive" emphasizes the importance of understanding and empathy in fostering a harmonious coexistence.

The bridge further emphasizes the message of unity by repeating the phrase "Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony." This repetition strengthens the idea that racial harmony is achievable and desirable.

Overall, "Ebony and Ivory" promotes the notion that people should look beyond their differences and strive for unity and understanding. It encourages individuals to embrace diversity and work together to create a more harmonious world.


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