The song "Picture in my mind" by PinkPantheress & Sam Gellaitry explores the confusion of being in a relationship with someone who appears to be very similar to the narrator, and yet they often disagree and behave differently. The lyrics express the feeling of having a preconceived notion of what the relationship should be like, and yet finding that reality does not quite match up. The narrator struggles with the conflicting emotions of wanting to be with this person, but also feeling like they are better off as friends.
The line "I had a picture in my mind" represents the narrator's idealized image of the relationship, and the subsequent calls to not "try and call my bluff" indicate that the narrator's illusions have been shattered by the reality of the situation. Despite the confusion and frustration, the song still manages to maintain a sense of hope, as the lines "We've put both of our hearts on the line" and "I've been waiting for you my whole life" suggest that the narrator still believes in the power of love and is willing to take risks for it. Overall, "Picture in my mind" portrays a complex and nuanced view of relationships, acknowledging both the joys and challenges that come with them.