Meaning of Paint It Blacker lyrics by Plan B (UK) (Ft. The Rolling Stones)

"Paint it Blacker" by Plan B featuring The Rolling Stones explores the themes of darkness, obsession, and emotional turmoil. The song tells the story of a character named Mick, who becomes fixated on painting everything black. Mick's obsession with darkness stems from his dissatisfaction with the vibrant and colorful world around him.

In the lyrics, Mick is depicted as an outsider, feeling disconnected from the beauty of life and the people around him. He becomes consumed by the idea of blackness, using a can of paint and a brush to black out cars, doors, and even nature itself. The act of painting everything black symbolizes his desire to escape from reality and suppress his emotions.

The chorus, taken from The Rolling Stones' famous song "Paint It, Black," emphasizes Mick's yearning for darkness and his desire to eliminate all colors and brightness from his environment. It represents his struggle to find solace and understanding amidst the vibrant and ever-changing world.

As the song progresses, Mick's obsession intensifies. He becomes increasingly detached from reality, focusing on turning everything black. The lyrics describe Mick's encounter with a dead seagull, which evokes strong emotions in him. This moment forces him to confront the fragility of life and the pain he has been trying to escape. It becomes clear that Mick is harboring deep emotional turmoil and is unable to find peace.

In the final verse, Mick encounters a grave engraved with the name Ruby Tuesday. This discovery further amplifies his emotions, leading him to a state of despair. He contemplates his own mortality and the fleeting nature of existence. Mick's desperation drives him to a dangerous act, running towards an oncoming bus. This desperate act serves as a metaphor for his attempt to escape the pain and darkness that consume his mind.

Overall, "Paint it Blacker" delves into the themes of alienation, emotional turmoil, and the desire to escape. It explores the consequences of suppressing one's emotions and the gradual descent into obsession and self-destruction. The song paints a bleak picture of a tortured soul relentlessly seeking solace in the darkness.


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