Meaning of Clocks lyrics by Rhythms Del Mundo (Ft. Coldplay)

"Clocks" by Rhythms Del Mundo (ft. Coldplay) is a song that delves into themes of confusion, missed opportunities, and the search for a sense of belonging or home. The lyrics suggest the narrator is in a state of disorientation, feeling lost and seeking guidance towards a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The opening lines of "Lights go out, and I can't be saved, tides that I tried to swim against, brought me down upon my knees" depict the narrator's feeling of hopelessness and failure. The focus shifts towards pleading and begging, "Oh, I beg, I beg and plead, singing. Come out if things aren't said, shoot an apple off my head, and a trouble that can't be named, tigers waiting to be tamed, singing." These lines may suggest that the narrator is willing to take risks and confront their problems head-on, regardless of the consequences.

The chorus "You are, you are" repeats, possibly signifying a search or longing for meaning or a sense of purpose. The following lines "Confusion never stops, closing walls and ticking clocks, gonna come back and take you home, I could not stop that you now know, singing." further emphasize the protagonist's desperation to find a place to call home amidst a confused and chaotic world.

As the song progresses, the lyrics "Come out upon my seas, curse missed opportunities, am I a part of the cure or am I part of the disease, singing. You are, you are, you are, you are" suggest the narrator's contemplation about whether they are a positive or negative force in the world and their struggle to find their place.

The song ends with "Home, home, where I wanted to go, home, home, you are, home, home, home, home" emphasizing the theme of finding a place of belonging and highlighting the importance of the individual's identity. Overall, "Clocks" is a song that expresses the search for a sense of purpose and home, amidst feelings of confusion, missed opportunities, and self-doubt.


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