Meaning of Badfish (Live) lyrics by Sublime

October 11, 2023

"Badfish (Live)" by Sublime is a song that touches on themes of escapism, addiction, and the longing for liberation. The lyrics depict a desire to break free from the constraints of reality and find solace in an alternative way of life.

In the verses, the narrator expresses a sense of being trapped and controlled by someone or something. The line, "When you grab a hold of me, tell me that I'll never be set free," suggests a toxic relationship or influence that keeps them feeling trapped and unable to escape. The use of the metaphor "parasite" reinforces this feeling of being consumed and controlled.

The chorus reflects their yearning for a release from their current state. The lines, "Ain't got no money to spend, I hope this night never end," convey a desire to escape the financial and emotional struggles of their life. They seek temporary relief from their problems, hoping to prolong a fleeting moment of joy. The repetition of "Lord knows I'm weak" highlights their vulnerability and desperation for someone to rescue them from their predicament.

The second verse introduces the imagery of a "big blue whale" and the polluted water, symbolizing a larger societal issue. The narrator feels overwhelmed by the polluted environment around them, which may represent the negative influences and corrupt systems in the world. The act of diving deep and grabbing the reef beneath their bed implies seeking solace in something familiar, even if it is tainted or detrimental. This further emphasizes their yearning to find a way out of their struggles.

The song's mention of Jah (Jamaican Patois for God) in the pre-chorus and quarrels with God in the final chorus implies a spiritual component to their search for liberation. It suggests that despite their weaknesses and inability to resist certain temptations, they still hold onto a belief in a higher power. This could indicate a desire for redemption or guidance from a divine source.

The song's overall message suggests a longing for freedom from personal and societal struggles. It portrays a person who is caught in a cycle of addiction, seeking solace and liberation from their circumstances but ultimately feeling trapped. Despite their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, they cling to the hope that someone or something will help them break free from the metaphorical reef that keeps them captive.


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