Meaning of I See You in Everyone lyrics by Survivor

December 5, 2023

"I See You in Everyone" by Survivor is a song that delves into the lingering memories and emotional attachment to a past love. The narrator of the song is experiencing the aftermath of a breakup or loss, where the absence of the person they once loved is acutely felt. Despite their physical absence, the narrator finds reminders of their presence everywhere they look and in every person they encounter.

The lyrics convey a sense of longing and yearning for the person who is no longer with them. The candlelight, moonlight, and cityscape symbolize the romantic atmosphere they shared with their past love. However, these once-beautiful sights now evoke sadness and a sense of loss.

The narrator constantly searches for traces of their former partner, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. They listen for footsteps and watch for headlights, hoping to see them again. The vivid imagery of seeing the person in every glance, reflection, and doorway depicts how their memory has become imprinted on the narrator's mind.

As time passes, the memories start to fade, but the emotions still remain. The narrator sees their face in passing, reminding them of what they once had. The line "The fantasy has gone too far, I close my eyes and there you are" suggests that even though the relationship is over, the memories and feelings remain alive within the narrator's mind.

The song also conveys the idea that the person they lost continues to influence their actions and perspectives. Their presence is metaphorically hiding in the narrator's shadow, always with them, even if they can't physically be together. This highlights the lasting impact of the relationship and the sense of being haunted by their memory.

Throughout the song, there is a theme of obsession and desperation. The repetition of "I see you in everyone" in the chorus expresses the intensity of these emotions. The narrator cannot escape the presence of their past love, and it drives them to a state of madness. The line "You can't know what you have done" suggests that the person they lost may not be aware of the lasting impact they have on the narrator's life.

Overall, "I See You in Everyone" is a poignant reflection on the enduring power of love and loss. It explores the bittersweet struggle to move on from a past relationship and the overwhelming presence of the person's memory in every aspect of the narrator's life.


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