Meaning of The Goal Is Your Soul lyrics by Overkill

August 27, 2023

"The Goal Is Your Soul" by Overkill appears to be a song with religious and spiritual undertones, reflecting on the concept of personal redemption and the pursuit of salvation. The lyrics suggest a narrative of struggle between good and evil, with the goal being to protect one's soul from the clutches of darkness.

In the verses, the lyrics touch upon the idea of unanswered questions and the consequences of one's actions. The "fallen" and the "viper" represent malevolent forces seeking to deceive and corrupt. The repetition of the phrase "let his people go" implies a call for liberation, urging listeners to free themselves from harmful influences.

The chorus emphasizes the importance of the soul, describing it as a goal to be preserved. It mentions being amongst the "eternal brood of liar" and the "catastrophic fold," perhaps referencing the dangers of succumbing to temptation and falsehoods. The lyrics urge individuals to distance themselves from darkness and choose a path guided by goodness.

The bridge speaks of forgiveness, both given and sought, highlighting the desire for absolution. It suggests that despite blessings and efforts, fairness may elude individuals. The repetition of the phrase "let his people go" reinforces the call to break free from negative influences.

The guitar solo and refrain serve as powerful musical interludes, further expressing the intensity and urgency of the song's message. The repeated assertion of the goal being one's soul reinforces its significance and serves as a reminder to focus on spiritual well-being.

Overall, "The Goal Is Your Soul" seems to encourage listeners to remain vigilant in the face of temptation, to seek forgiveness, and to prioritize the preservation of their souls as they navigate the complexities of life.


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