Meaning of Kids Again lyrics by Sam Smith

July 17, 2023

The song "Kids Again" by Sam Smith explores themes of nostalgia, longing, and the bittersweet emotions associated with growing up and leaving the past behind. The lyrics depict a sense of yearning for the carefree and innocent days of childhood, which the narrator realizes they can never truly return to.

In the first verse, the narrator reveals that they still find themselves avoiding a certain area of town associated with the person they are singing to. This person, who has since moved away, seems to occupy the narrator's thoughts constantly. They admit to driving by their house, suggesting a lingering attachment or longing for what once was.

The pre-chorus conveys the pain felt whenever the narrator hears a song that reminds them of the past relationship. Despite the passage of time, they still find themselves missing this person, suggesting that they may not have fully moved on. The chorus further emphasizes this longing, as the narrator wonders if this person also reflects on the way they "changed the world" during their time together. The realization that they can never recapture their youth evokes a sense of sadness and nostalgia.

In the second verse, the narrator describes their current lifestyle, living out of suitcases in hotels and indulging in excessive drinking. They admit to knowing the person they are addressing too well, which makes it harder for them to let go of the past.

The bridge is an emotive instrumental section that adds to the overall emotional depth of the song. It allows the listener to reflect on the feelings conveyed throughout the lyrics.

In the final chorus, the narrator questions whether this person has moved on and successfully adapted to a new life. They express a sense of loss and melancholy, knowing that they can never go back to their youthful innocence. The repetition of "we'll never be kids again" emphasizes the irreversible passage of time and the acceptance that the past can never be fully recaptured.

Overall, "Kids Again" captures the wistful longing for lost youth and the poignant realization that growing up means leaving certain aspects of the past behind. It explores the universal experience of reflecting on nostalgic memories and the complex emotions that arise from them.


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