Meaning of Comfortably Numb (Tiga Remix) lyrics by Scissor Sisters

January 13, 2024

"Comfortably Numb (Tiga Remix)" by Scissor Sisters is a remix of the classic song originally performed by Pink Floyd. While the lyrics remain largely unchanged, it's important to approach this version with the context of the original song.

The song begins with the protagonist reaching out to someone who seems emotionally distant or disconnected. They ask if there is anyone there who can hear them, emphasizing the desire for connection and understanding. This theme of isolation and longing for connection is a fundamental aspect of the song.

The line "I hear you're feeling down" shows empathy towards the person they are addressing and suggests the protagonist's willingness to help. They offer to ease their pain and get them back on their feet, indicating a compassionate and supportive approach.

The lyrics "Relax (Don't do it)" are likely a nod to the classic '80s song "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. This reference adds a layer of cultural significance, highlighting the theme of finding comfort or escape through music.

The lines "There is no pain you are receding, a distant ship's smoke on the horizon" utilize both symbolism and metaphor. This imagery depicts the person slowly distancing themselves from their pain, visualized as a ship gradually getting further away. They are described as "coming through in waves," suggesting that their presence is intermittent, inconsistent, or fading. The mention of the lips moving but not hearing what's being said reinforces the idea of communication difficulties and a lack of true connection.

The mention of a childhood fever and hands feeling like balloons is likely a reference to the original Pink Floyd lyrics. It represents a sense of detachment or separation from reality. The protagonist describes feeling this sensation again, suggesting a return to a state of emotional numbing or detachment. They feel frustrated that others can't understand their experience.

The lines "It's just a little pinprick, there'll be no more" reference the infamous scene from the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" where a character receives a drug injection. This allusion adds another layer to the concept of numbing or escaping from reality through substances. It implies that the protagonist has reached a point where they seek relief, even if through potentially harmful means.

The final verse, "When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse, out of the corner of my eye, I turned to look but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it, the child is grown the dream is gone," suggests a loss of innocence and a longing for something intangible. The fleeting glimpse could represent a moment of happiness or fulfillment that has now vanished, leaving the protagonist feeling disoriented and unable to fully grasp what they once had. This can be interpreted as a commentary on the disillusionment that often accompanies growing up.

Overall, "Comfortably Numb" explores themes of isolation, disconnection, the search for relief, and the loss of innocence. It delves into the complexities of human emotion and the difficulties of truly understanding and being understood by others. The song's significance lies in its ability to resonate with individuals who have experienced emotional detachment or have sought solace in various ways. It serves as a reminder of the importance of genuine connection and the potential consequences of numbing oneself to avoid pain.


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