Meaning of This Bird lyrics by Solange

October 22, 2023

"This Bird" by Solange is a song that speaks to the singer's determination and refusal to let external circumstances hinder her progress and happiness. The lyrics depict a longing for a brighter, more carefree time in the past, where life was filled with innocence and joy. The references to cotton candy, sweet lemonade, and McGregor Street evoke a nostalgic nostalgia for a simpler, more idyllic existence.

The song then transitions to the present, where the singer acknowledges the challenges and hardships she faces. The phrase "sour bitter days of a colorless place" suggests a sense of dissatisfaction or discontent with her current reality. The music she chooses to play loudly serves as a form of escapism, allowing her to drown out her own thoughts and temporarily forget about her troubles.

Solange addresses societal expectations and judgment in the chorus, asserting that she refuses to conform or be defined by others' perceptions. She asserts her agency and independence, rejecting labels such as single mother, abuse victim, or alcoholic. The profanity in the lyrics conveys a sense of defiance and frustration towards those who try to define and limit her.

In the bridge, the singer expresses moments of happiness and inspiration, finding reasons to keep going and pursuing her dreams. The mention of the Sun allowing the clouds to take a day off represents a metaphorical lifting of burdens and the ability to enjoy life's simple pleasures. The cheers coming from "big blue eyes" imply the support and love of someone important to her, providing motivation to continue flying high.

The song closes with a spoken interlude reminding listeners that the journey is not yet over. The outro reinforces the singer's determination to keep moving forward, refusing to let anyone or anything hinder her progress. The repeated refrain of "ain't no birds gonna slow me down" serves as a powerful affirmation of resilience and determination.

Overall, "This Bird" is a song about rejecting societal constraints, embracing personal freedom, and finding strength in the face of adversity. It encourages listeners to remain steadfast in their pursuit of happiness and to never allow external forces to hold them back.


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