Meaning of Medicines lyrics by The Taxpayers

October 11, 2023

"Medicines" by The Taxpayers appears to touch on themes of addiction, escapism, and the potential consequences that come with such vices.

In the song, the band describes coming across a pharmacy with its windows broken and exploring the premises. This could symbolize a moment of vulnerability and temptation, a place where one finds relief from their troubles. However, the broken glass also suggests a level of destruction and chaos that accompanies this pursuit.

The chorus, "The medicines, the medicines, that esculent macabre for the mouth," highlights the allure and appeal of these substances. The use of the word "esculent" suggests that these medicines are both palatable and potentially poisonous, hinting at the paradoxical nature of seeking comfort through substances that can be harmful.

Verse 2 delves into the consequences of indulging in these medicines. The band talks about filling their pockets with various pills, which metaphorically represent the accumulation of temporary relief or escape. However, the line "That soon colonized our minds, and then we died" suggests that this escapism eventually consumes and destroys them, leading to their metaphorical death. This could be interpreted as the loss of oneself or the deterioration of one's mental and emotional well-being due to addiction.

Verse 3 introduces a disturbing imagery of their rotting corpses leaking and growing, with lesions that smell like roses. This imagery can be seen as a metaphor for the destructive effects of addiction. While the medicines may seem appealing and rosy at first, their long-term consequences manifest in a grotesque and unhealthy manner. The mention of blood and guts germinating into timeless pages stained with lovely prose implies that even amidst the decay and destruction, there is a twisted beauty to be found.

Overall, "Medicines" explores the cycle of addiction, the allure of temporary relief, and the potential physical and emotional decay that comes with indulging in escapism through substances. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers and consequences of seeking solace in temporary solutions.


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