Meaning of Love Isn’t Love lyrics by The Verve Pipe

June 19, 2023

"Love Isn't Love" by The Verve Pipe is a lyrical exploration of what love truly is and what it is not. The song argues that love cannot be reduced to external symbols, such as rings or whispered promises, but is instead defined by small, daily acts of kindness and devotion. Love is revealed in the simple joys, such as singing a favorite song, and in moments of adversity, such as stormy skies.

The song also cautions against mistaking obsession or idealization for real love. The lyrics describe instances where the narrator believed they were in love yet were merely obsessed or infatuated with another person. Sometimes, loving someone entails letting go and moving on, even when it is painful to do so.

Ultimately, the song suggests that love is worth the effort and is something that should be fought for. Love is a two-way street, and both partners must be committed and constantly working on the relationship for it to truly flourish. Even when overwhelmed or frustrated, the narrator longs for the beauty that love brings and is willing to endure the pain to obtain it.


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