Meaning of Stealer lyrics by THE BOYZ

July 3, 2023

"Stealer" by THE BOYZ is a song that delves into themes of determination, resilience, and the idea of chasing after one's desires without hesitation. The lyrics portray a sense of rebellion against societal norms and a refusal to conform to expectations.

The song begins with the repetitive chant of "I'm a stealer," which immediately sets the tone and establishes the mindset of the protagonist. The use of "stealer" metaphorically suggests that they are willing to take risks and break boundaries in order to achieve their goals. This mindset is further emphasized in the following verses.

The first verse highlights the protagonist's unwavering determination and their refusal to be swayed by obstacles or setbacks. It signifies the belief that there are no exceptions or limits to what they can accomplish. The line "무릎 꿇고 빌어봤자 첨부터 틀려먹은" (Even if I kneel and pray, it was wrong from the start) conveys their confidence in their own abilities, emphasizing that they have chosen a path that may be unconventional or unaccepted by others.

The chorus, which repeats the phrase "I'm a stealer," acts as a powerful affirmation of their identity and purpose. It serves as a reminder to themselves and a declaration to the world that they refuse to be held back or defined by societal expectations.

In the pre-chorus, there is a shift in focus towards the night, symbolizing a time of darkness and uncertainty. The lyrics suggest that the protagonist is running through this darkness, ready to face any challenges that come their way. It showcases their commitment to consistently pushing forward, regardless of the obstacles. The line "나는 멈추지 않아, oh 이젠 누구라도 져 주지 않아" (I won't stop, oh I won't lose to anyone) reflects their determination to succeed and their refusal to give up.

The second verse continues the theme of disregarding any sense of guilt or hesitation, reinforcing the idea that the protagonist is willing to overcome any obstacles that come their way. The line "일말의 죄의식은 없어 조금의 거리낌도 없어" (No guilt, no hesitation) reinforces their unwavering resolve and refusal to be hindered by doubts or regrets.

The bridge, delivered by Jeong I Joo, brings an ethereal and emotional quality to the song. It reiterates the notion that the protagonist is willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means shedding their previous self and stepping into the unknown. The lines "싹 다 뜯어 아무도 모르게 잡아 끌어 나밖에 모르게 받아들여" (Tear it all apart, so no one knows, pull me in, let me embrace it) reflect the willingness to let go of past limitations and fully accept and embrace their true self.

Overall, "Stealer" by THE BOYZ tells a story of an individual who defies society's expectations and pursues their desires without hesitation. It embraces a rebellious spirit and serves as an empowering anthem for anyone who feels limited by societal norms. The lyrics convey a message of resilience, determination, and the willingness to break free from constraints in order to achieve personal fulfillment.


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