The song "On Melancholy Hill in Middle Scots" by The_miracle_aligner, written in Middle Scots language, showcases a melancholic and introspective theme. Although the lyrics are in an older form of Scots, we can still attempt to interpret the meaning based on the overall mood and context.
In the first verse, the singer describes being on Ben Dully, a location, and feeling a sense of longing or yearning for something else. They express a feeling of being in a daze or a state of melancholy, unable to grasp what they desire. However, they find solace or comfort in the presence of another person, who they consider their "heill" or salvation. This person seems to be physically present and provides emotional support.
Moving to the second verse, the singer mentions ships and traveling around the world. They suggest that instead of seeking what they desire elsewhere, they invite the listener to join them on their journey. They mention a "mowdiwarp," which is a term for a mole, perhaps symbolizing the passage of time or the inevitability of change. Despite this, they emphasize the significance of being close to the person they cherish, as if it brings them a sense of stability or emotional fulfillment.
The repetition in the outro reinforces the importance of the person being "neist" or next to the singer, signifying their value in providing solace and companionship.
Overall, "On Melancholy Hill in Middle Scots" expresses a longing for something unattainable but finding comfort and emotional support in the presence of a loved one. It delves into themes of yearning, introspection, and the significance of human connection in navigating feelings of melancholy.