Meaning of Incomplete (The Puzzle Song) lyrics by Thomas Sanders

July 5, 2023

"Incomplete (The Puzzle Song)" by Thomas Sanders is a song that delves into the complexities of human emotions and relationships. The lyrics explore the idea that people are like puzzle sets, and as we find the pieces, things start to make more sense.

The song begins with Roman acknowledging a conflict, where someone called someone else stupid, resulting in eye damage. However, rather than escalating the situation and becoming blind themselves, Roman recognizes the importance of ending the conflict and preserving the bonds of love and friendship.

Patton then introduces the idea that people have different sides to them that may not be immediately apparent. He compares this to a puzzle set where finding the pieces helps everything to fit together. This metaphor highlights the fact that understanding each other's complexities can lead to a deeper understanding and stronger relationships.

Patton shares an example from his own life, explaining how he used to hide his negative emotions by pretending to be happy and cracking jokes. However, he soon realizes that this coping mechanism doesn't work in the long run and that it's okay to let others see our pain. He emphasizes that nobody, not even dads with responsibilities, has to hide their pain, as a life without rainy days, or challenging moments, is incomplete.

As Patton veers slightly off-topic, Thomas interrupts and redirects the conversation back to rainy days as a metaphor for these challenging moments. Patton concurs and explains the necessity of rain in the larger puzzle of life, metaphorically linking it to the way rain nourishes plants, which in turn, feed animals and humans.

Logan, ever the rational thinker, questions whether the song is merely an interlude, to which Virgil responds by segueing into his own struggles. Virgil, once known for his gloomy and moody disposition, shares how he felt his spookiness made people listen to him. However, he also recognizes that receiving hate is hurtful, even if it comes from a place of concern or misunderstanding. Virgil, like the others, admits to feeling bad in his own unique way.

Thomas encourages Virgil to let his guard down, reminding him that sometimes love and care are enough. This showcases the importance of vulnerability and the healing power of support from others.

Logan, in his rhythmical pattern, acknowledges the previous reflections but wonders if they should resume their serious discourse. He questions the relevance of emotional sentiment, indicating his natural inclination towards rational thinking. This sparks a moment of tension, and Logan's frustration at not being able to finish his thoughts reinforces the notion that he often feels disregarded.

Virgil interjects, bringing attention to Logan's feelings of being lost and neglected. Logan brushes off this concern, but Virgil assures him that he too was lost at one point. Through the support of the group, things have improved for him, showing that life can be more bearable when people embrace and understand each other.

This sentiment leads to the collective understanding that everyone has flaws and emotional struggles. The group offers their acceptance and support to Roman, dispelling his belief that he is too fabulous for the others. Finally, Thomas reiterates that despite everyone's imperfections, life is incomplete without each individual's unique contributions.

"Incomplete (The Puzzle Song)" encourages listeners to recognize the complexities of human emotions and relationships. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting each other as we navigate life's challenges, ultimately highlighting the idea that together we can find where everything fits.


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