Meaning of Ticks & Leeches lyrics by Tool

June 22, 2023

"Ticks & Leeches" by Tool is a song that speaks about feeling used and drained by others. The lyrics paint a metaphorical comparison between parasites and the people who suck the life out of the artist. The song's message is a warning to these individuals about their ways and the repercussions of their actions.

The lyrics in the first verse describe the person's frustration and anger towards those taking advantage of them. They use a metaphor for "little ticks" to describe the people who slowly work their way under the person's skin, ultimately sucking them dry. The person's fruit is bruised and borrowed, meaning that they have given much of themselves to others, and it has left them feeling empty and used. The chorus serves as a warning to the people who have taken advantage of the artist, expressing hope that they are choking on their actions.

In the second verse, the person describes feeling completely drained and having nothing left to give. They realize that these parasites have taken all they can and that they need to leave. The chorus repeats with more intensity, alluding to the frustration that the person feels towards these leeches. The bridge serves as a final warning to these people, highlighting the reality that they are slowly killing the artist with their actions.

Overall, "Ticks & Leeches" is a powerful song that speaks about the dangers of allowing others to take advantage of us. The lyrics use a metaphorical comparison to parasites to convey the message and urge the listener to be careful about who they let into their lives. It is a powerful reminder that we must value ourselves and not allow others to drain us of our energy and spirit.


This meaning interpretation was written by AI. Help improve it with your feedback
