Meaning of Boys of Faith lyrics by Zach Bryan (Ft. Bon Iver)

September 22, 2023

"Boys of Faith" by Zach Bryan (ft. Bon Iver) seems to touch upon themes of friendship, nostalgia, and the passage of time. The song centers around a group of friends who are reconnecting and reminiscing about their shared past.

The chorus reflects a sense of longing for progress and financial stability. The high tide rising and the desire to get their pockets up symbolize their aspirations and ambitions. However, they express frustration at the slow pace of their endeavors, suggesting a feeling of stagnation and disappointment in their current circumstances.

In the first verse, the lyrics allude to a specific memory where one person traveled to Pineville in freezing weather. This could represent a moment of vulnerability or hardship. The singer acknowledges that he provided this person with something to believe in, possibly suggesting that their friendship offered support and a sense of purpose.

The pre-chorus emphasizes the loyalty displayed by this friend, sticking around during the singer's tough times. The phrase "boys of faith" could refer to a close-knit group that relies on each other and remains steadfast in their bonds.

In the second verse, the lyrics mention the act of taking photos in Kentucky and expressing gratitude for the light that illuminated the moment. These photos unexpectedly find their way onto a billboard in New York, highlighting the unexpected ways in which memories can resurface and impact people's lives.

Overall, "Boys of Faith" explores the significance of enduring friendships and the nostalgia associated with shared memories. It also touches on the desire for progress and the frustration experienced when life feels stagnant.


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