No Remorse Lyrics
No thought to even what we have done
We don't need to feel the sorrow
No remorse for the helpless one
No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
As it eats its way across the land
We don't need the feel the sorrow
No remorse is the one command
No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
No one to save the weaker race
We are ready to kill all comers
Like a loaded gun right at your face
No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
People are dying
With madness surrounding, all hell's breaking loose
Bodies are mounting
Cannons are shouting, to take their abuse
Blood starts to flowing
No mercy given to anyone here
The furious fighting
Swords are like lighting
It all becomes frightening to you
Know death is near

War has made us unthinking and unfeeling. We dont feel sadness as its just a job. It's either that or survival of the fittest...either way its about death being meaningless

I think this song has something to do with faith and now you should just sorrta live how you want without thinking too much about god and the afterlife(if there is one). Although James does make lots of referances to war...which I cannot explain.
but did you'll know? There were two very early metallica songs when the band lineup was: James: Vocals Lars: Drums Grant: Guitar(all gutiar) Ron: Bass Anyway they wrote two songs called 'Hansom Ransom' and 'Lets Go Rock N' Roll.' Then they put riffs from those two songs together to make No Remorse. Pretty Cool Huh? Just a fun little fact you might not have known already.
if this is true, you are awesome for divulging!
if this is true, you are awesome for divulging!

This song is amazing, I think Kill Em All is one of Metallica's finnest is very hard to choose a favorite album of theirs, but if I had to, Kill Em All would be my favorite.

Very good song, badly underrated. Has an amazing opening riff, and the overall musicianship is fucking unbelievable.

on Cliff em all james says its an anti poser song. People are going to deep in the meaning of the songs on kill em all.
for sure
for sure

True nothing deep here! just a killer song (and album) trying to be as heavy as they could muster

sounds like they could be talking about Nazis:
"Only the strong survive. No one to save the weaker race" - anti-semitic/racist
"swords are like lighting" - metaphor for blitzkrieg maybe?
"Blood feeds the war machine as it eats its way across the land" - Germany's swift take over of Europe. Germany's army is the only army that I know that was referred to as a "warmachine"
Just my thoughts

fucking amazing song. this is what got me into metallica, super raw and energetic
kirk's guitar in the beggining solo = WAH WAA WAH WAHHHHHH
daves guitar in the begining solo = afgadfgsekjh wnergwegw34gtoi34gmwarg

34 years after first listening to this song as a teen, I look up these lyrics since all these years I could only comprehend about 50% of what Hetfield is singing on the Kill 'em All album. Fascinating and intelligent. I can relate, I work in an industry that helps feed the war machine - we publish a mil/aero magazine and I sell advertising to companies that manufacture products that go into building and designing weaponry, aircraft, missiles, bombs, etc. At one period of time back in my Ron Paul days it somewhat bothered me that war and the technology of death is a booming business. But now I say f&ck it, no remorse, it's just a job that puts food on the table.
Lastly, Hammett fkn shreds on this song.

damn...all these freaks like me and 1 disapointing, i loved the song and i agree wif...hell i called my head.. (???).. o well