Better Than You Lyrics
Hungry and thirsty are we
Holding the lion’s share, holding the key
Holding me back ‘cause I’m striving to be
Better than you
Somehow I feel more alive
Bury the need for it, bury the seed
Bury me deep when there’s no will to be
Better than you
Nothing brings me down
No, can’t stop this train from rolling on and on, on
Forever on and on
You can’t take it down
No, never stop this locomotion, on and on and on
No, you can’t bring me down ‘cause I’m
Better than you

My band played this song my senior year at a football game against our rival school. It was totally unplanned (The Principle thought we were gonna play something slow and soft), and we got into huge trouble, but it was worth it to see the crowd go wild and the other team get really really pissed off.

A persons struggle to be better than someone else and not resting until they are.


haha lawyer that musta been sweet :)
would definately make a kickass football song!
the meaning was pretty much nailed by king nothing

It's about a comparison of someone to somebody.

Human nature at its finest. Hell, nature's nature at its finest. Survival of the fittest (bury me deep when there's no will to be better than you). Animals, humans included, are competitive. Insect hives maintain only one matriarch, maintaining control. Even young animals like puppies wrestle to establish an order to things.
Is there anyway to get that performance on tape, EvilLawyer?

This song is all about how James Hetfield is better than you!

And what reason have you to suspect "EvilLawyer" of lying, "Cleveland Steamer"? The story seems perfectly believable. Anyways, yeah, the song seems to be describing the human nature to survive over others. Interesting to note, this song won a Grammy award for best metal performance...

better than you better than you better than you better than you better than you better than you BETTER THAN YOU BEETTTEEERRRR TTHHAANN YYOOOUUU!!!!!!

This song actually won an American Music Award in 1998.