Sunglasses at Night Lyrics
So I can, so I can
Watch you weave then breathe your story lines
So I can, so I can
Keep track of the visions in my eyes
It cuts my security
Has she got control of me?
I turn to her and say
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no
I can't believe it
'Cause you've got it made with the guy in shades, oh no
So I can, so I can
Forget my name while you collect your claim
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes
She cuts my security
Has she got control of me?
I turn to her and say
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no
I can't believe it
Don't be afraid of the guy in shades, oh no
It can't escape you
'Cause you got it made with the guy in shades, oh no
I say
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses

In the 1980s, sunglasses were a common fashion for people who wanted to adopt a "tough guy" persona (note all the cop shows from that era -- Simon & Simon, Miami Vice, etc. -- where the lead characters wore shades). So I think this song is about a guy who wears shades as a way of hiding his insecurity after learning that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He's trying to pretend that he's a "tough guy" to hide the fact that his girlfriend's affair is disturbing him.
[Edit: 123456]

I will try to analyse like I do in my french class (I'm a french person so I may not understand all the expression)
«I wear my sunglasses at night» I asked why he's wearing sunglasses. I ended up with 1th there is a big light in front of him and he can't see what is in front of him like when it's sunny or superstar with the flash of camera 2th it's because he want to hide himself and we don't recognize him.
«Watch you weave then breathe your story lines»
weave your story lines = make her own story (I must say that nothing tell me it's a girl but I will say it's one) breathe your story line = live her own story and what do the guy with the sunglasse? He only Watch he's not a actor only a Spectator. we can see the distance between these two people.
«So I can so I can Keep track of the visions in my eyes»
here we have an idea why he put sunglasses. he want to SEE the girl living and NOT HIDING from the girl. so the girl is a kind of light? the light is a kind of illumination (a kind of metaphore to say extreme hapiness?) or more like a light used by magicien to trick or eyes (like hapiness showed it's not truth)? in both case he want to see the truth.
«While she's deceiving me It cuts my security has»
so the way she is living is deceiving him. and make him unsure. again this go in the way that the sunglasse help him to Watch her.
« She got control of me I turn to her[...]»
got is the simple past of the verb «to get» so it's mean that it's not more the case. it other case he would have say she gets control of me to say she STILL manipulating him.«I turn» is a confirmation that he's normally speaking in present term. he is not only telling an old story.
«Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades oh no Don't masquerade with the guy in shades»
switch the blade. = he's hurted by the girl and she continues to hurt him. masquerade = to trick him, to give false expectation. that go in the same way of «she got control of me» again these recall that he want to find the truth regarding the girl. and to be no more hurted. I must say there is a OPPOSITION between the girl and the boy. the girl is the light (why he's wearing sunglasses) and the guy is the dark (he's calling himself «the guy in shades»)
«'Cuz you got it made with the guy in shades»
it's not a hope, or an abition it's really happened. she really hurted him and played him.
«Forget my name while you collect your claim»
here I must ask is it him forgetting his own name or it's the girl forgetting the name of the guy? if it's him it would mean that he lost himself that he can't even remember who he is. if it's the girl it would mean that he was a guy like anyother, he was only a tool in her plan in her masquarade. She used him to receive honor and reputation from people who is watching her without sunglasses without being protected(«while you collect your claim»)
«See the light that's right before my eyes»
that is the confirmation that the girl is a kind light and he wear his sunglasses to not be dazzle by the girl.
«I say it to you now I wear my sunglasses at night»
I think he's telling to the girl that this time he won't be tricked because he saw who she is Under all the light she shows. He saw who she really is. And now he has sunglasses to see the truth regarding the girl
«I cry to you I wear my sunglasses at night»
here it's really interressing... (I find) it is cry because he has tears? or it's cry like a scream? maybe it's both of it? if it's with tears it's hurts because of the truth he saw. he is deceiving by the girl. he found out with the masquarade she made to him. if it's a scream it show a volontee that he won't be tricked again by her. I must remind the term used has become stronger cry ˃ say

I think this song is referencing the days of film noir. She's the femme fatale. He's the clueless detective wearing his sunglasses at night to create a faux sense of mystery. He's shocked when she betrays him and he gives her one of those old movie "Don't fuck with me!" speeches.

This song is about a guy that loves this girl. But the girl doesnt seem intereseted in him. He says "You have it made with the guy that wear sades at night" which is him. He also says "Dont be afraid of him" He wants this girl but she fears him for being a dangerous human being. Also the word MASQUERADE means a party that requires a mask. Which means she is wearing a mask that is blocking him away.

you're comments are cute but this song is about coke
Totally, well maybe not this version, it's like old and all and I can't picture it as a drug song, maybe the other people might be right, but the techno version, I guess the guy found the lyrics convenient. People get high on drugs, put some psychedellic music on and the sunglasses just make the effect more wow, or at least they are convinced so. But I know lots of people wearing sunglasses and they are worn for
Totally, well maybe not this version, it's like old and all and I can't picture it as a drug song, maybe the other people might be right, but the techno version, I guess the guy found the lyrics convenient. People get high on drugs, put some psychedellic music on and the sunglasses just make the effect more wow, or at least they are convinced so. But I know lots of people wearing sunglasses and they are worn for
"Keep track of the visions in my eyes"
"Keep track of the visions in my eyes"
"Has she got control of me?" - The drugs...
"Has she got control of me?" - The drugs...

I could be wrong about this! I think the line "I wear my sunglasses at night so I can, so I can watch you weave then breathe your story lines" is a metaphor to him being shy and quiet (similar to how the night is usually quiet) around this girl he likes and that he wants to observe her to see if she's the right one for him while everybody else thinks he's stalking her! I could be definitely wrong about this, but I think when he says "She got control of me" means that she's not shy at all and he obviously is! I think the line "Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no" is a metaphor to him not wanting the girl to be angry at him because of these false rumors about him! People thinks he's dangerous when he's a really nice guy! I think the line "Don't masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no" is a metaphor to him not wanting the girl to pretend to be someone she's not if she returns the same feelings that he has for her! I think the line "Don't be afraid of the guy in shades, oh no" is a metaphor to him not wanting the girl to be afraid of him because of these false rumors!

The woman is a promiscuous female, possibly narcissistic, but definitely in high demand. she's a 'female player,' sometimes describes as a she-wolf, that 'games' men. with his shades, the man in the story is 'playing it cool' like her games aren't getting to him or making him want to chase- unveiling himself as not being her superior and/or not the polygamous alpha male she desires. it makes him feel insecure -and like the needy one, which, if unveiled, would mean that he loses her game (and her). and so he wears his shades, even at night, to hide how he's truly feeling (which is 'shaken up'- feeling a loss of confidence by her lies, deceptions, and games- her masquerade). it's also a posture of that of his ability to 'strike back' emotionally- don't mess with me (don't switch a blade...), because I'm tough and can strike back (you don't switch a blade on a guy in shades- especially at night, and in the 1980's).
[Edit: better explained]

i think the speaker is suspisious that his girlfriend is cheating on him but he isnt certian and has been trying to convince himself otherwise. thats what the sunglasses are about, by wearing them in the dark he chooses to make a situation that is difficult to understand extra difficult, even though its not necessary. or that he is turning a blind eye.
-I wear my sunglasses at night ... so I can Watch you weave then breath your story lines.
if i hide what i can see from myself and from you i will listen to your stories, you wont suspect i know the truth and i wont put an end to them
-And I wear my sunglasses at night so I can ... Keep track of the visions in my eyes.
the sunglasses help me keep the story alive because they prevent me from seeing the truth and they give me the chance to gloss over problems and make excuses for your behavior.
While she's deceiving me it cuts my security. Has she got control of me?
i dont wether it is she or i who keeps allowing me to be fooles by this.
I turn to her and say: Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades oh no.
why do you hurt me like this? why do you stab me like this? (also i kind of think saying switch the blade he means that he usually has the power, in this case he uses it to trick himself, but she could turn that power against him)
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades oh no I can't believe it! You got it made with the guy in shades oh no. And I wear my sunglasses at night so I car ` Forget my name while you collect your claim so I can And I wear my sunglasses at night so I can See the light that's right before my eyes. so I can While she's deceiving me it cuts my security
It's about a Police State that forces people to wear their sunglasses at night.
It's about a Police State that forces people to wear their sunglasses at night.
Watch the video.
Watch the video.

I like the song but remember a person who always wore sunglasses that was a deceptive character. I think of the song as being about deception.

I believe this song tells the story of an insecure and who is constantly rejected by girls. In an attempt to get his crush to like him he wears sunglasses to take on the persona of a "tough guy" but after winning over his crush he realizes that she not in love with him but instead in love with the "guy in shades".
In the 1980s, sunglasses were a common fashion for people who wanted to adopt a "tough guy" persona (note all the cop shows from that era -- Simon & Simon, Miami Vice, etc. -- where the lead characters wore shades). So I think this song is about a guy who wears shades as a way of hiding his insecurity after learning that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He's trying to pretend that he's a "tough guy" to hide the fact that his girlfriend's affair is disturbing him.
In the 1980s, sunglasses were a common fashion for people who wanted to adopt a "tough guy" persona (note all the cop shows from that era -- Simon & Simon, Miami Vice, etc. -- where the lead characters wore shades). So I think this song is about a guy who wears shades as a way of hiding his insecurity after learning that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He's trying to pretend that he's a "tough guy" to hide the fact that his girlfriend's affair is disturbing him.