70 Meanings
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Eye In The Sky Lyrics

Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
You've taken lots of chances before
But I ain't gonna give anymore
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
'Cause part of me knows what you're thinkin'

Don't say words you're gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
I've heard the accusation before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see anymore
To know that
I can read your mind,
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind

Don't leave false illusions behind
Don't cry I ain't changing my mind
So find another fool like before
'Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the signs are deceiving

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see anymore
To know that
I can read your mind,
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see anymore
To know that
I can read your mind,
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
(Looking at you)
I can read your mind
Song Info
Alan Parsons, Eric Woolfson
Release date
Submitted by
ice On Jun 02, 2001
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70 Meanings

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Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

This song is obviously about Sauron watching the one carrying the One Ring.

Song Meaning

@Sargtlin That's pretty funny actually.

i have a similar alternate lyrics for the theme song for Walker Texas Ranger TV series.

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

As a well repected musician, you expect the lyrics could be inspired by one thing (a literal or figure eye in the sky such as either those in casions or those written by Orwell) and about another thing (relationships). I've heard that Parsons indicated on an XM Radio show (Artist Confidential) that these lyrics were indeed inspired after a visit to a casino in Vegas. The back album cover art apparently contains pictures of these security cameras.

I think it sounds like the camera is telling him to stop lying to himself because he can't win at the Casino. That is why it sounds like a relationship song. When I first heard it for years I thought it was a song to a girl, but when I really studied it, I thought no, he is trying to talk himself out of his gambling by saying the camera can read his mind and so he can't beat the house. That why it sounds so discouraging.

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

This whole album, not just this paticular song, was heavily influenced by the book 1984 by George Orwell. But that's just what Parsons himself said. What the hell does he know? Don't post comments if you don't know what you're talking about.

He should know because HE WROTE THE SONG!!

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Dude, the "what the hell does he know part" was obviously sarcastic.

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@smarterthanyou_ergo EXACTLY! THANK YOUGOOD SIR... This song is about top down control of the population. Period. Open your damn ears, people!

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

It's about how two people were in a relationship, and one of them lied. He was saying sorry's not always enough, and that the lier can't try to turn it around and blame him either. He gave many "second chances", but just couldn't take it anymore. He knows the person will try to lie their way back. (Don't think sorry's easily said Don't try turning tables instead You've taken lots of Chances before But I'm not gonna give anymore Don't ask me That's how it goes Cause part of me knows what you're thinkin' )

Also, about how when the person being lied to cut off the relationship the lier got angry and would say things they didn't entirely mean. (Don't say words you're gonna regret Don't let the fire rush to your head)

He's saying some of the lies were worth believing because being with the person was that important. (The sun in your Eyes Made some of the lies worth believing)

The chorus is about how he's capable of seeing through the person's lies and know what they're going to try to pull next.

In the last verse he's saying not to act like all of the deceptions were true. Not to cry or whine for pity to get him to take them back after it all. To just find another fool to believe them like he had, and that he was giving up on anything he had believed because all the signs told him the statements or situations were false. (Don't leave false illusions behind Don't Cry cause I ain't changing my mind So find another fool like before Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing Some of the lies while all of the Signs are deceiving )

@SomeRandomGirl - - - L I A R


@SomeRandomGirl This is my interpretation (mine) as well. I first heard the song from a youtuber I follow who talks about abuse.

To all the people who are saying things like 'the artist said xyz'. Well if it was about a narcissistic ex or agent then he might not want to say that. Secondly, a song like a dream can be about more than one thing, Third, sometimes the lyrics flow from someplace and we make up the reason later.

I do disagree with one element of your interpretation though. I see it as a call and response. The verse...

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

To the best of my knowledge, this song has nothing to do with God complexes or 1984.

The late Eric Woolfson was apparently a compulsive gambler who viewed a casino as a cathedral to those pursuing games of chance. (http://bravewords.com/news/the-alan-parsons-project-the-turn-of-a-friendly-card-35th-anniversary-edition-out-in-november). He was disillusioned to learn that gamblers were being monitored by what casinos refer to as the Eye in the Sky: ceiling-mounted cameras used by the casino to monitor (among other things) gamblers' behaviors.

If you view the lyrics in this context, a theme emerges: a disillusioned gambler expressing a sense of betrayal when he comes to understand that the object of his love (gaming) is a flawed, possibly dishonest system.

I believe the chorus describes the camera/casino's surveillance: it's watching you; it knows what you're next move is likely to be; it is monitored by people who make rules and decisions about gambling and most likely hold them in some contempt ("dealing with fools"). In other words, the casino is watching you, knowing what you're going to do, and keeping the odds in favor of the house ("I can cheat you blind"). There's a poignancy in the verses, as the gambler comes to understand the deceit he has experienced after years of believing he was dealing with a fair system.

All that said, it's one of my favorite songs and holds up as the description of any twisted relationship. It's just not a relationship with a deceitful woman, and the narrator doesn't see himself as a deity.

@ILikeToWatch Very nicely summarized! You did your research and put together a well thought-out interpretation. I couldn't agree more—and this remains one of my favorite songs, regardless of whether I'm listening to it as a commentary on gambling or as a "relationship" song.

@ILikeToWatch I like the casino analogy; what makes the song tricky to me is part of the time the singer is talking to himself about discovery, and part of his words are directed to the 'eye' and the power system it represents; gambling is a activity that the gambler may be expected to lose. "The trick you said, is never play the game too long." Still the Same- Bob Seger

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

I agree with those who think that the song is a love song.

The veses are pretty straightforward, I think. As there are already many comments on the verses, I want to mainly comment on the chorus because it seems to be a bit complicated when we consider the song as a love song. This comment is kind of a reply to Bulldog246 as well.

I do not only interpret the chorus literally, but rather with regard to the emotions expressed. In my own sight, the chorus is the moment where the relationship eventually breaks up.

"I am the eye in the sky looking at you" -> the speaker speaks from a different point of view now. He is "in the sky", but where is the female adressee? The lyrics don't tell us where exactly the adressee is, but most probably she is not in the sky. Perhaps she is down in the world because in in this line, as well as in the entire chorus, he appears to be superior and she inferior. The fact that the speaker and the adressee are in different places now logically entails that there is DISTANCE between them. As facile as this may sound: he is in the sky, she is somewhere else. Thus, they are in different locations, so naturally they now are distant from each other and are hence separated. This fact is new, since in the preceding verse he directly spoke to her which you can see by the use of several directives (e.g. "don't ask me", "don't say words you're gonna regret", "believe me"...). In the chorus, however, the speaker does no longer talk directly to the adressee - because now they are separated. In the chorus the speaker rather talks to himself.

"I am the maker of rules, dealing with fools" -> I don't interpret these words literally, but rather METAPHORICALLY because I don't see somone laying down strict rules. The way I see it, this line basically expresses how the speaker feels. He tries to persuade himself that she means nothing to him anymore. I think that is why the lyrics seem so cold and unromantic - because he tries to stifle his feelings. He wants to forget her and start a new life without her. That is why he wants to make his own rules and live as he pleases, without her. But the sad truth is that he cannot totally forget her - for the simple reason that he is still "looking at" her and "dealing with" her - even from the distance. Subconsiously, he knows that she still is a part of him. This frustrates him and explains why the lyrics - especially the chorus - is rough and bitter, and also why he is sulky and still angry about her. In the chorus he wants to be taller than he really is. But he just WANTS to be strong. Just because he says that he is "the eye in the sky" it does not mean that he really is so. In my opinion the speaker wants forget her by looking down at her, by offending and by disdaining her ("I can read your mind/I can cheat you blind/dealing with fools"). As I see it, the speaker just IMAGINES being powerful or even omnipotent.

Summarily, in my opinion, there are two worlds: the "real" world which are the verses. And the imaginary world, the chorus. This would also explain the sudden shifts of mood between verse and chorus. The descriptions in the verses are quite reasonable and human but the chorus is not.

rgds, renezeg...

My Interpretation

Very accurate, good review @renezeg.

@renezeg This seems to have the most depth of meaning as it doesnt make it sounds so literal.

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

The entire concept of the album is that of a Big Brother type influence, and this is no exception.

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

The eye in the sky, as the cover suggests is the Eye of Horus.

Song is about being fed up with people, Society and mistrust. I don't think the song generally is about a failed relationship. Its just generally about not trusting people, after so many times of being mislead.

The eye in the sky is Big Brother - "I am the eye in the sky Looking at you, I am the maker of rules (ethics and Law according to the state) Dealing with fools (the general public) " "Looking at you I can read your mind" - Metaphorically speaking - The state knows exactly what people want - Pacifiers = Sex, drugs, crappy music, Gambling, addiction, shopping -

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

The star system Sirius is traditionally through EVERY ancient religion in the world, the birthplace of the gods. In ancient Central American times, the gods where to have taught the people not to be savage or cannabalistic anymore and that they're worshipping of the sun was for the wrong reasons. They taught the people through hymns and songs how to live but never forced the people to change, only showing them this new way of life as an option. This is just one example. If your really interested read about the Dogon religion of Mali in the Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple. These spear carrying tribesmen knew more about astronomy than we just are learning in the past 30 or so years. Also check out Robert Duvaul , Graham Hancock and many others....and decide for yourself what this song could mean. If our thoughts produce a sound, which they do through ultra low frequencies, could anyone pick up the frequencies and how far would the sound waves travel. Gives a whole new meaning to prayer or meditation. The Eye is well known to be the symbol for Atum-RA, Isis the wife of Osiris, is represented by the star system Sirius. Please in the search for the truth, it led you here didn't it. All of the history of man from the beginning has brought you here to this site and reading this post.

@The Civilizer Very cool man.

@The Civilizer Elaborate on how your explanation pertains to the lyrics lest I charge you of self-indulgent waffle.

Cover art for Eye In The Sky lyrics by Alan Parsons Project, The

It's about a future where we are constantly monitored and the government has taken away all our freedoms.

you know it. the land of the free strikes again.

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