Freudiana Lyrics
Call me a prophet of doom, I could think of nothing else.
I found a Freudian book gathering dust upon my shelf.
I thought I'll give it a look, would it hurt or would it help?
Freudiana, do you want to change the world?
They were walking on a tightrope, I never thought they had a chance.
And then a hand reached out to hold them just before they tumbled down.
But I was standing in a quicksand and I could not feel the ground.
Freudiana, do you want to change the world?
I won't stop till I see the truth. There's such a long way to go.
He had a ring around his finger and something burning in his hand.
And I wanted him to teach me and I needed to believe.
But the shadows that he threw me were intended to deceive.
Freudiana, do you want to change the world?

Not a project song

it is, actually
though this album was mostly written by Eric Wolfson, Parsons was involved with the work. However, it is more commonly attributed to just Eric.
But what isa the significance of the Wolf-man, the Rat-man, Anna-O and Little Hans?
They're all patients of Freuds'. :^D The guy is reading about Freud and his work and wondering if he can gain any insight into his own problems from it I think. The Wolfman had dreams about wolves outside his window in a tree which Freud believed was a manifestation of a repressed memory of seeing his parents getting romantic when he was one. The Ratman was an obsessive compulsive who had frequent compulsive fantasies that his fiancee and father would have a bucket of hungry rats tied to their rear resulting in them being eaten. This was from a story he was told...
They're all patients of Freuds'. :^D The guy is reading about Freud and his work and wondering if he can gain any insight into his own problems from it I think. The Wolfman had dreams about wolves outside his window in a tree which Freud believed was a manifestation of a repressed memory of seeing his parents getting romantic when he was one. The Ratman was an obsessive compulsive who had frequent compulsive fantasies that his fiancee and father would have a bucket of hungry rats tied to their rear resulting in them being eaten. This was from a story he was told by a military individual about a torture method involving just that. Little Hans was a little boy that Freud used as a case study to further investigate his theory of the Oedipus complex and castration anxiety. Little Hans was frightened of horses which Freud again linked back to both theories. I know nothing about Anna-O though...
Other songs on the album are about his patients and theories and such as well. 'Dora' was a woman Freud diagnosed with hysteria, who 'lost her voice', and who he used to outline his theory of the electra complex. 'The Ring' is about the ring Freud used to give to members of his circle, including patients and friends. 'I am a Mirror' was about the use of reflection in psychotherapy. 'Funny You Should Say That' was about various dream interpretations and sees another mention of the Wolfman and the Ratman and their dreams and anxieties. 'Upper Me' involved Freuds' tripartite theory of the id, ego and superego and their endeavors to control one another and interact and such.
I really hope I haven't misunderstood the question otherwise I've just ranted on and on and on about stuff you already know... <:^D I'll shut up now anyway!
I love Freud, he's so weird. XD
@Camb06 And likewise, Rat Man, Anna O and Little Hans were pseudonyms of famous case study subjects of Freud. Rat Man was obsessive-compulsive and one obsession was a morbid fantasy about rats. Anna O. had hysteria and neurological symptoms. Little Hans was a boy with a phobia of horses. They're all on Wikipedia.
@Camb06 And likewise, Rat Man, Anna O and Little Hans were pseudonyms of famous case study subjects of Freud. Rat Man was obsessive-compulsive and one obsession was a morbid fantasy about rats. Anna O. had hysteria and neurological symptoms. Little Hans was a boy with a phobia of horses. They're all on Wikipedia.

Wolfman - was a patient who had dreams about wolves in the tree, and Freud somehow came to the conclusion that he'd seen his parents doing it doggy style, hence the wolves! Can't argue with that logic.