Let's Talk About Me Lyrics
Well how do you think
I feel about what's been going on
Let's talk about me for a minute
Well how do you think
I feel about what's gone wrong
I never learned to read the signs
Let's think about what it all means
I never seem to have the time
All that I seem to do is spend the night
Just talking 'bout you and your problems
No matter what I say I can't get it right
Is it all a waste of time
Don't think about what it all means
If you are a friend of mine
I'm the one who's losing
Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's always losing out
I feel about what's been going on
Let's talk about me for a minute
Well how do you think
I feel about what's gone wrong
We never seem to have the time
Let's talk about what it all means
If you are a friend of mine
I'm the one who's losing out
I'm the one who's losing out
I'm the one who's losing out, losing out
I'm the one who's losing
Talk about me, for a minute
I'm the one who's always losing out

I believe the artist is singing for a blanketed mass of people. You hear a few tracks of people arguing their point in the beginning of the song, a bit after the singer breaks through the people arguing... Let's talk about me!! Hey, a lot of people want to talk about themselves, even when starting a conversation neutral, they want to talk about them.. And in the process there is a breakdown in communication because each of the people talking... only hear themselves...
Debates (particularly privately rather than a "debate team," which would be quite different really), arguments, even plain everyday conversation...
In my opinion the artist is portraying the opposite of what he wants you to see, in the process of which, you will see the picture more clearly (from both sides, once you realize the other).
I took a lot away from the song, I take a lot away from a lot of their songs... If you really listen, (and even in the process you may only be forming your own opinion about what the song means, well I guess I should truly how you interpret the song is your own, and the closer you get to what the artist is trying to portray, or believe that you have done so, the more the song means to you.) you can take a LOT away from their songs.
@Dragnox I agree, this is a case of saying something just to mean the opposite. It reminds me of "don't answer me".
@Dragnox I agree, this is a case of saying something just to mean the opposite. It reminds me of "don't answer me".
Let's talk about each other, not ourselves.
Let's talk about each other, not ourselves.

Apparently, this is about a guy who feels left out, that no one cares about him enough to even talk about him, ask how he feels, what he thinks. He possibly had some funky dreams lately that he doesn't understand, and wants to talk about them, too. The second time he mentions them, he's saying what he thinks others are talking about his dreams: don't think about them, they're not important.
This song is very contradicting, the melody is uplifting, while the subject is saddening. but the way the music bursts out when he starts singing really grabs you're attention, grabbing you away from those TV show or Radio hosts, one of which is talking about the porcupine and its defenses (the one in the left speaker; his monologue is cut out a lot in the Best Of rendition), and the other is trying to get someone to pick a topic for discussion, "any topic, any topic, ANY TOPIC." The singer at this point, DOES choose a topic: himself. he ends up getting through to one of the announcers, who starts talking about mom and dad getting together and taking the kids to a baseball game at Rigley Field. Baseball's always a good time.