May Be A Price To Pay Lyrics
While the Master was riding the Servants decided to play
Something's wrong in this House today
Something's been going on there may be a price to pay
And I'm helpless I can't put it right
Something's unrighteous is possessing my soul
And it's cold in the heat of the night
While the Sorcerer slept the Apprentice decided to play
While the Master was hiding the Servants decided to play
Might be too much Sun or too much of something in the Air
Whatever's happening nobody else is aware
And I'm helpless I can't put it right
Something's unrighteous is possessing my soul
And it's cold in the heat of the night
Something's been going on there may be a price to pay

Maybe I'm totally out of context here, and sometimes there's easy to read a little too much out of a text, making meanings out of lyrics that isn't really in there. But... I think APP are addressing bigger issues in the world today with this song text. I'm myself a believer in a greater good in this world, like that there's a God or whatever you want to call it that looks after us, but also expects us to stick to a couple of basic set of rules, or else... And, we're really not doing that these days, are we? I know I'm not. Atleast not as much as I could be doing. And there's the central message with this song, I think. We ordinary humans are the "apprentices" and servants, while God are the Master/Sorcerer. The "House" is the world. And God are sometimes away, and we just can't help ourselves can we? We just got to make mischief and bad things when our parent isn't looking. So our souls are now "turning cold in the heat of the night". ...or not. Maybe this song is just about a fantasy theme?
It's a good assessment. In accordance to the whole album though, the song serves as foreshadowing for a gambling addiction, as the whole album is somewhat of a concept album which focuses on gambling.
It's a good assessment. In accordance to the whole album though, the song serves as foreshadowing for a gambling addiction, as the whole album is somewhat of a concept album which focuses on gambling.

Probably my favorite song off the whole album. I think the song is about a group of friends/kids (apprentice/servants) who gamble at night when their parents (Master/sorcerer) are in bed or aren't around to see what's going on. But in the third verse, it sounds like the parents get suspicious and pretend to leave their home to check on the kids.
The 'price to pay' could be a couple things. Either one of the kids bet a lot of money and lost it to one of the other kids, or the parents found out and the kids are going to 'pay' for gambling in the parents' house.
I'm probably wrong, but that's the way I see it. That's a good interpretation, dracopticon, but remember that this album's songs are usually based on gambling, hence the album name.