Prime Time Lyrics
But too many hopes and dreams won't see the light
And all of the plans I make won't come together
Maybe for the only time in my life
Something in the air
Turning me around and guiding me right
I had a premonition, it's gonna be my turn tonight
Gonna be my turn tonight
But all of the hands I play are working out right
And every move I make feels like a winner
Maybe for the only time in my life
Something in the air
Turning me around and guiding me right
I had a premonition, it's gonna be my turn tonight
Gonna be my turn tonight
Gonna be my turn tonight

one of my favorites, for sure.
The beginning starts out a little hopless, but then he feels "something in the air," something that tells him that everything he's working on ("all of the plans [he] made [that] won't come together") will come out better than expected. And this might be the only time it happens ("maybe for the only time in my life") so he'd better take full advantage of it.
So now it's all going good, "but even the brightest star won't shine forever." everything's working out, feeling like nothing can go wrong, but it won't last long, so he'd better make the most of it.
I agree, Camb...what the singer's basically saying is "even when things are at their worst, things will work themselves out for you...but, don't take the good times for granted, for things might go back in the other direction."
I agree, Camb...what the singer's basically saying is "even when things are at their worst, things will work themselves out for you...but, don't take the good times for granted, for things might go back in the other direction."

Listening to this song, you can almost imagine what the songwriters' thinking...he's essentially saying, "You got one shot at this life...when the opportunities come your way, you've got to be prepared to take them for you never know when they'll come around again."

This guy I'm in love with burned this song onto a CD for me, and I'm addicted to it. "Something in the aiiiirrr..." Love the way they sing that.
@josauuce Did you end up in an everlasting love story with our fellow Project fan --- sorry I can't write question marks on this miserable computer...
@josauuce Did you end up in an everlasting love story with our fellow Project fan --- sorry I can't write question marks on this miserable computer...

Yea i like this song and basically al the songs on the greatest hits CD, If u like this song you will like the others as well

Great song! Don't worry, keep yourself cool, you'll do the best when your time comes.