The Eagle Will Rise Again Lyrics
Then another would take my place
For the chance to behold your face
As they fall from your open hand
At the call of the wind's command
The fall upon the ears of those who don't know the way
To read between the lines, that lead between the lines, that lead me to you
Is, show me how to follow you and I'll obey
Teach me how to reach you I can't find my own way
Let me see the light, let me be the light
Till the shadow of night is high
The eagle will learn to fly
As they fall from your open hand
And vanish upon the land
The fall upon the ears of those who don't know the way
To read between the lines, that lead between the lines, that lead me to you
Show me how to follow you and I'll obey
Teach me how to reach you I can't find my own way
Let me see the light, let me be the light
And so, with no warning, no last goodbye
In the dawn of the morning sky
The eagle will rise again

My opinion: This song seems to me to be a stopping point of the "Voyager's" trip backward through time. This stop - on the way to his ultimate goal of the Pyramids of ancient Egypt - would seem to be the time immediately after the death of Jesus Christ; I like to think of it as being that night. The song's title would seem to pay homage to the Bible's Gospel of John. I usually picture St. John singing these lyrics mourning the death of his friend and prophesying the coming of Jesus' rising again on Easter.

I think this song is another sort of lament upon the civilization of ancient Egypt being lost. We see a short reference to this in What Goes Up already with the lyric 'if all things must fall, why build a pyramid at all' and 'if all things must pass, even a miracle won't last'. This civilization went by and has its traces largely removed or become hidden. To me, that's what this song is about.
The Eagle Will Rise Again is about realising this and re-discovery. As sure as the eagle will learn to fly and rise again (take flight?) in the morning, as sure as that we would stumble upon traces of this ancient civilization. Upon their findings, their buildings and their culture, in more than one form.
This is what the whole seeds thing is about. You sow something, but the plant won't last forever. First your effort will seem in vain, only for the plant to grow and show its fruit or flower. But it will pass away. It will vanish upon the land, like the seed once sown.


When I first heard this song, maybe because of other things I was reading etc.. well undoubtedly because of things like that of course, it all comes to bear... it seemed to me like a plee from Satan to God after his fall. There is ego, " I could easily fall from grace Then another would take my place"... which is at the heart of Lucifer's story.... of course the song seems to start with the fall being a possibility... but of course, the thought itself represents ego and a regard for one's place, favoured in the sight of God.
Then we have the "Hell" As the days of his life are but grains of sand As they fall from your open hand And vanish upon the land
but! here the lyrics say "he" but previously there is a similar stanza, but with a different perspective.
As the days of my life are but grains of sand As they fall from your open hand At the call of the wind's command
Is this saying "I" and "he" are the one... ?
Hell being a state of being out of God's sight, like the grains of sand... which fall "upon the land"...
Then we have In the dawn of the morning sky The eagle will rise again
Where you can see the possible reference to The Morning Star... Lucifer, and the eagle being a bird with deep esoteric and spiritual meaning as a symbol. This eagle learn to fly in the dark, then rises with the sun.
Then the Hermetic element, which is throughout with reference to the elements, there is also a sense of words falling on the ears of the deaf...
There is a deep sadness and I would say sympathy, for the plight of whomever the protagonist of the song is.
and this part Let me see the light, let me be the light And so, with no warning, no last goodbye In the dawn of the morning sky The eagle will rise again
let me see the light and be the light, seems very much in line with Hermetic to Christian ideas of the Creator, The All.. God and the state of grace being one in Gods light with all creation.. maybe I'm getting carried away with myself there lol