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You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned Lyrics
Watch me closely catch my eye
If you do I Beg you to remind me
Who is stronger who is Weak of those who seek
And don't know where to find me
Ask me why, I don't know
You ask Me why and I say
Now you see me now you don't
I thourght by now you'd learned
You're gonna get your Fingers burned
Watch me closely understand
That what you see is only an illusion
If I'm wrong and you are right
Then I will Light your darkness with confusion
Ask me why I don't know
You Ask me why and I say
Chances are you're playing with fire
I thought by now you'd learned
You're gonna get your fingers burned
Watch me closely be aware
That All I do is only to suprise you
Every move is Sleight of hand
ANd every word is planned to mystify you
You ask me why I don't know
You ask me why and I say
Don't get fooled a second time
I thought By now you'd understand
You're gonna get your fingers burned
If you do I Beg you to remind me
Who is stronger who is Weak of those who seek
And don't know where to find me
You ask Me why and I say
Now you see me now you don't
I thourght by now you'd learned
You're gonna get your Fingers burned
That what you see is only an illusion
If I'm wrong and you are right
Then I will Light your darkness with confusion
You Ask me why and I say
Chances are you're playing with fire
I thought by now you'd learned
You're gonna get your fingers burned
That All I do is only to suprise you
Every move is Sleight of hand
ANd every word is planned to mystify you
You ask me why and I say
Don't get fooled a second time
I thought By now you'd understand
You're gonna get your fingers burned
Song Info
Submitted by
ice On Jun 02, 2001
More The Alan Parsons Project

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If there is a larger meaning to the album Eye In The Sky where this song integrates to then I will be missing the boat. Anybody who skimmed through Sun Tze's Art of War knows that all warfare is deception. Deception is all over this song. Just like the quote from the movie Swordfish " Have you ever heard of Harry Houdini? Well he wasn't like today's magicians who are only interested in television ratings. He was an artist. He could make an elephant disappear in the middle of a theater filled with people, and do you know how he did that? Misdirection."