Solitude Lyrics
As many times as I wanted to tell you the truth.
How long have I stood here beside you?
I lived through you, you looked through me.
Still with me is only you
Ooo, Solitude
I can't stay away from you
How long will it take before I see?
When will this hole in my heart be mended?
Who now is left alone but me?
Forever me and forever you
Ooo, Solitude
Only you, Only true
Forgotten, Abandoned
Left behind.
I can't stay here another night
How can you be so blind as to see right through me?
Still with me is only you
Ooo, solitude
I can't stay away from you
Forever me and forever you
Ooo, Solitude
Only you, Only true

It's about being in love with someone who doesn't know it and just sees you as a friend and thinks that you only see them as a friend,too.And although on the outside you pretend you're fine and joke around and listen to them telling you about their other half like you're really happy,you're actually dying on the inside.Because there is no worse pain that loving someone and not being able to tell them how you feel.I can relate to this song 'cos I met this guy a few years ago and we got really friendly and I had to listen to him talking about his girlfriend when all I wanted to do was confess that I was in love with him.That's all dead now,but it still pains me to think about how it felt.And the lyric:"How can you be so blind?"So simple,so painful.I'm a real self-pity wallower,I know...but what can we do?

Solitude, how she loves someone who obviously loves another girl, but instead of being with him she chooses to live her life in solitude. because he gave his heart to another.
"Your secret admirer, who could it be?
Can't you see all along it was me? How can you be so blind as to see right through me? "
those lines are stunning.

This reminds me so much of my own situation. It's about a close friend (probably ... in my case it's my best guy friend) and having them confide in you that they love another girl. She wants desperately to tell him the truth about how she feels-but how can she? He loves someone else and she doesn't want to get hurt, so once again she finds herself alone. She knows she has to move on but she can't because she loves him that much and she has been there beside him for so long, she can't live without him. She looks at him differently than he will ever be able to see her-as more than a friend. She doesn't know how to tell him that she loves him and she figures it doesn't even matter...she says goodbye to all of her hope of getting with him and says hello to solitude-or being alone-figuring that it will be the only thing left for her. It's so heartbreaking :( ... but with me, the guy I like is my best friend who likes my other best friend that is a girl. She has denied his love so many times and even has a he tried to move on and started liking other girls but me (of course.) Recently he asked me if I liked him and I said yes...and I found out the reason he asked was because he likes me too. But then he told me he thinks we should stay just friends because of my girl best friend (he still loves her), and ever since then I don't know how to express my emotions to him. Those 5 words broke my heart...

This song is about being in love with someone who doesn't know you love them. Perhaps you can't have them, or perhaps they are blind to the fact that you're in love with them. It's about trying to accept that you will never be with this person. It's about the pain of not being able to tell them your feelings. It's excruciating. I've been there. You just want to tell them so bad but you can't. You pretend your feelings don't exist when you're around this person, but once you're alone in the solitude again, you know in your heart the ONLY thing you want is to be with this person.
This song is also about feeling completely alone, every day. You feel forgotten and abandoned, perhaps by ex-lovers or even friends, because everyone just seems to leave. Everyone seems to have someone and you're just constantly fighting on your own. Solitude is the only thing in your life and it hurts, but you keep coming back to it because it's the only thing you know. This song makes my soul physically ache. It breaks my heart because I can relate to it SO much.
Thank you, Amy, for this beautiful, sensitive song and for making me feel like I'm not the only person who has felt like this.

She cant move on, and lives in the past..dwelling on the memories that were once in her broken heart. She feels abandoned by her friends, even though they are there, yet shes alone in her mind, which makes her solitude very real. shes nothing without her other.

if solitude is the only way to heal yourself then solitude is what you get and that is what i think nice opinon BrokenIce

Yes, this song is about living in the past. I agree....Also about keeping stuff in. Solitude is the only way to heal. This song amazes me everytime i listen to it......Evanescence amazes me everytime i listen to them...<3

great song great band I especialy like this line "i live through you, you look through me"

I think this song is about someone she’s close to, but who doesn’t know that she loves them. Most likely a male friend
“how many times have you told me you love her? as many times as i've wanted to tell you the truth.”
He tells her how he loves this other girl and she just keeps on pretending that she him only as a friend. This ties in with ‘my immortal’ about loving a friend, but never admitting it that friend dies leaving you regretful.
The reason it’s called solitude seems to be because:
oooh, solitude...still with me is only you oooh, solitude...i can't stay away from you oooh, solitude...forever me, forever you oooh, solitude...only you, only true
basically, if she can’t be with him, she doesn’t want to be with anyone else, so she’s going to live a life alone. That part where she says that everyone leaves her appears to me to be a general dig at everyone else about how lonely she feels
I like that line "i love through you, you look through me" best as well... just loving someone so much, but they don't realise how you feel.

i agree with sally cinnamon, thats just what i thoguht it ment :)