173 Meanings
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Don't Panic Lyrics

Bones sinking like stones
All that we've fought for
Homes, places we've grown
All of us are done for

And we live in a beautiful world
Yeah, we do
Yeah, we do
We live in a beautiful world

Bones sinking like stones
All that we've fought for
Homes, places we've grown
All of us are done for

And we live in a beautiful world
Yeah, we do
Yeah, we do
We live in a beautiful world

Oh, all that I know
There's nothing here to run from
'Cause here, everybody here's got somebody to lean on
Song Info
Coldplay, Ken Nelson
Release date
Aug 21, 2000
Submitted by
ice On Jun 08, 2001
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173 Meanings

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Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

I love the simplicty of this song. It left me hanging for more when i first heard it because it is so short. When i first listen to a new song i critique it and naturally expect certain things from it kinda like when you listen to a song and you can guess the lyrics even tho you've never heard it. he says everybody here's got somebody to lean on and then i hear shiver? im like whoa. but the thing is i never get tired of the song. When i hear this song it just makes me think of the beauty of the world. Look at the sky. It is amazing. i sound like a Stoner when i say that but i mean really......think how beautiful this world is and we take it for granted. When i say that i am talking about Nature. Humans have created thier own problems. Don't blame your problems on God.

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

The thing I like most about Coldplay is that they don't pretend they've got it all figured out. I guess I'm talking about Chris Martin since he writes the lyrics. Anyways there is a modesty to them. They exude this fragility, like an innocent boy in a world of men. It's not that they are blissfully ignorant or that they are infallable, but they acknowledge this and choose to see the beauty instead. They may get down or not have anyone to talk to sometimes, but in the end they remember the beauty of the world.

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

This is easily about Doug adam's Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. Arthur thinks back a lot on his world and how beautiful it was but now he has nothing to go back for.

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay


This song possesess very influential but conscious material. The song focuses around the Rapture. and how everyday life and routines will someday come to a hult, and the world will come crashing down and those who believe they are annointed by their "God" will be saved. for example if you look at the end of the video the Band is on a raft and are soaring through the heavens (atmosphere) away from harm. and the line 'There's nothing here to run from' 'Cause, yeah everybody here's got someone to lean on'.i believe means that when the world ends (cataclysm begins) people should not reflect any fear but cherish the moments they have with those who are very important to them.

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

The song poses the question of whether to hold an optomistic or pessimistic view of life. This is generated through both the lyrics and melody. "Bones sinking like stones..." provides the pessimist's view that we are all subject to inevitable suffering, while "We live in a beautiful world" reveals an optomistic view. I would classify the melody as slow and depressing (pessimistic), yet somehow it generates a feel-good response (optomistic). Thus the question is posed. The last line "Oh all that I know..." and the title "Don't Panic" suggest the answer is to view life with optomism. Although often ugly, one must remember life is beautiful.

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

I don't normally like this genre, but this song is great, along with a bunch of others from Coldplay.

i love coldplay :)

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The song poses the question of whether one should view life as a pessimist or optomist. This is accomplished through both lyrics and medody. "Bones sinking like stones..." is an example of a pessimist's view while "We live in a beautiful world" holds the optimist's view. The melody is that which is generally catagorized as mellow and depressing (pessimistic), but some how generates a feel-good response (optomistic). Thus the lyrics and melody pose this question. The final line "Oh all that I know..." along with the title "Don't Panic" suggest the answer to the question...

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Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

I prefer the more mellow version of the song off the Blue Room EP. Am I alone in this?

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

i don't see how there could be any doubt about the connection to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you bothered to read the rest of the series, you would know that the idea of home is a recurring theme that Arthur becomes less attached to throughout the books as he realizes the insignificance of a home because of how it keeps a person from seeing as much of the Universe as he can in his life. The verses refer to the battles that are constantly being fought over the ownership of planets in the book and the futility of war. THe chorus is an ironic statement on the attachment a person or race feels to their world, although their "world" is just their point of view and the significance of that world could be nought if they saw it from another's point of view. As for the last verse, it refers to the fact that Arthur realizes he doesn't need to continually run from place to place, he can depend on the hospitality of others as he hitchhikes through the galaxy. Seriously, read the books and you'll get a deeper meaning of what the song is about. Don't Panic.

Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

this is my favourite coldplay song, ever ... :)

My Opinion
Cover art for Don't Panic lyrics by Coldplay

OMFG, ''Don't Panic'', um h2g2 (Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy) reference anybody? Especially the lyrics, ''homes, places we've grown, all of us are done for'' Just a thought :P

Exactly what I thought!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It fits, especially with the repeating line "we live in a beautiful world".

@lolgirly100 You're not the only one...