Wait And Bleed Lyrics
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder over where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
Why I didn't I see this?
I'm a victim, Manchurian candidate
I have sinned by just
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander over where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed

Okay...So, I am going to walk you through my thoughts, on this song...be amazed and watch the story unfold, twist and turn.
I felt the hate rise up in me (self explainatory) Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves (clearing leaves from a headstone) I wander out where you can't see (out of his mind) Inside my shell I wait and bleed (feels guilty for something he has done, apparently to this dead person, whose grave for whom he's standing)
GOODBYE!! (speaking to dead person)
I wipe it off the tile, the light is brighter this time (again clearing the leaves, he's been here before, because it is lighter out, this time)
Everything is 3-D blasphemy (we will cover this line later)
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up (eyes are red with rage, and gold...maybe for money...and this is unsettling, because of his hair satdning on end)
This is not the way I pictured me (he is not who he thought he was...or would be)
I can't control my shakes! (He is not in control of himself)
How the hell did I get here? (doesn't know why he visits the grave)
Something about this, so very wrong (he has a bad feeling about the situation, ie. being obessed with visiting this grave)
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this (self explainatory)
Is it a dream or a memory? (he remembers something, but is unsure if it is real or dream...this line is leading into the backstory...or excuse given by the narrator)
(start the flashback/backstory) GET OUTTA MY HEAD CUZ I DON'T NEED THIS! (memory, whether real or not has apparently consumed him, emotionally)
Why didn't I see this? (doesn't understand why he is seeing this vision...or the way he feels about the situation)
I'm a victim--Manchurian Candidate (BINGO!!!! He's a Manchurian Candidate, i.e. a brainwashed assasin. It is now clear, he is here because he murdered this person, against his will, mind you, because he was brainwashed to kill this person)
I-HAVE-SINNED-BY-JUST/Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away (he is struggling to deal with this fact, as he never meant to kill the person, so he states, but rather was brain washed to do so)
GOODBYE!!!!!!! (again, speaking to dead pesron)
You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing The flesh was in my bones The pain is always free (this probably the most difficult part of the song to transalate. However, I feel, he is now trying to justify, to himself and the dead person, the killing of said person, while still letting the person know he feels guilty about killing the person. This is probably theraputic to him)
You haven't learned a thing (basically, the person had this coming, because someone wanted this person dead...I wonder who?)
I haven't changed a thing (however, he or she feels the killing of the person did society no good...also, this may be leading to something else)
The flesh was in my bones (yes, he is admitting to the person underground, that he in fact KNOWS he killed this person) (So, now, one must question the whole brain washing excuse that he has been making, but this is an open ended...)
The pain is always free (the guilt is now consuming the narrotor)
AND IT WAITS FOR YOU!!!!! (given the above, one would be lead to believe, that the person in which he murdered has revenge owed to them, for the murder)
So, we now have the story from the narrator's point of view. however, this is a very biased story, told by the narrator. A Manchurian Candidate is one who is brainwashed to kill someone beyond the conrtol of the Manchurian Candidate. However, a Manchurian Candidate, also, must not remember that he or she ever commited such a crime. So, this being said, from the following lines, we can assume that the narroator did, in fact, willing kill the person he or she is visiting...
I felt the hate rise up in me Everything is 3-D blasphemy (lying to his or her self about the justice of the crime, initially) This is not the way I pictured me I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this I-HAVE-SINNED-BY-JUST/Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
...and is now consumed with guilt over the whole thing, although he/or she thought that no remorse would be felt, because he or she considered the murdered not worthy of living, referenced in the following lines...
Inside my shell I wait and bleed Why didn't I see this? I haven't changed a thing The pain is always free
...So, basically, this person knowingly and willingly went out and murdered this person, thinking he or she was doing the world a service. However, he or she is now consumed with guilt, and is basically saying that he or she put the idea in his/her own head. and the whole brainwashing thing was just a theraputic way of dealing with the fact that the narrator is guilty of murder, in the first degree.
it's a very complicated song...well written...very Edgar Allen Poe(ish) ...and this is strictly my POV on the song and could be completely incorrect...but I thought I would offer up the idea. Sorry for the long post, but it was needed, for this thread, i think.
Peace out.
nice idea man....!god job;)
nice idea man....!god job;)
wowww... good job. and i just told someone i didn't think that's what the song was about. just cuz i didn't get it well enough... hmmm... well done!
wowww... good job. and i just told someone i didn't think that's what the song was about. just cuz i didn't get it well enough... hmmm... well done!
maybe it's a metaphore? ya know... idk killin someone emotionally/mentally? whatever i'm prolly wrong. bikthanxxx fer explaining it :)))
maybe it's a metaphore? ya know... idk killin someone emotionally/mentally? whatever i'm prolly wrong. bikthanxxx fer explaining it :)))
@sailingallalone "I'm a victim--Manchurian Candidate" i noticed what other people were saying and that's that he said "I'm a victim" which means he was actually murdered by a Manchurian Candidate, and he is a spirit.
@sailingallalone "I'm a victim--Manchurian Candidate" i noticed what other people were saying and that's that he said "I'm a victim" which means he was actually murdered by a Manchurian Candidate, and he is a spirit.

I always thought he was discribing an afterlife experience. He clears his grave stone of leaves and realizes that he is dead. Then he recalls the way he died on the kitchen or bathroom floor (could be the tub but how many people got tile tubs?). Next thing he sees the bright light and gets confused. then the remaining lines i guess would be him facing judgement. The whole Manchurian Candidate part might mean that he finally realized that his life was just some test conducted by some divinity. (of course it's possible I'm way off)
You do kinda have a point,there.
You do kinda have a point,there.

Wait and Bleed is basically about a man bleeding to death from slit wrists. If you pay attention, the song sounds somewhat hypnotic. The person who is bleeding to death is experiencing a hypnotic affect from being isolated. There is a certain type of person who likes to be isolated, because it is relaxing for them. This song portrays that bit of relaxation in a very grim way. Also, there is a lot of fear portrayed in the song, because the person bleeding to death knows that he is leaving everything in his life behind, thus Corey's scream of "goodbye!". The song also leaves a statement about suicide, how instead of bleeding to death you could have spent that time recovering from whatever was getting you down. Now about the lyrics, I think when Corey sings "inside my shell I wait and bleed", the person's shell refers to isolation, because the person bleeding to death is by himself. It could also mean that the person either can't help himself from bleeding to death or doesn't want to, and just watches himself from his "shell", or his mind, bleeding to death. In the first verse after the opening chorus, there is a lot of panic and self loathing. This maybe portrays the feelings of one who is slowly dying. There is panic because the person dying doesn't want to die and is regretting cutting themselves. Thus, there is a lot of build up as the person starts to die. This can be quite true with most cases of suicide. What usually happens is right before the person dies from committing suicide, he or she thinks "oh god, what have I done", because when they are finally faced with the situation in which they really are going to die, they are suddenly hit with the fact that they are saying goodbye to EVERYTHING. The first verse uses imagery to describe the shock and panic the person feels when he is suddenly faced with the situation in which he is going to die. In the first verse, Corey screams "I wipe it off on tile","My eyes are red and gold", and "How the hell did I get here". The next verse after the second chorus is about how the person dying is being brain washed as he slowly bleeds to death. Corey screams about being a "victim" and a "Manchurian candidate". The third verse is the rush of panic as the person realizes suddenly that he is about to die and says goodbye to everything in his life. Thus, the verse opens up with a new guitar line and Corey's scream of "goodbye!". "You haven't learned a thing, I haven't changed a thing, the flesh was in my bones, the pain was always free" basically means the person dying is acknowledging and feeling an extremely powerful feeling of guilt about the fact that he just watched himself bleed to death, and that any hope he had of stopping the bleeding was gone. Finally, the last chorus is sung with a deep growl in the back of Corey's voice to indicate that the person's life is about to end. Also corey sings the lines "Everything is 3-D blasphemy My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up This is not the way I pictured me I can't control my shakes! How the hell did I get here?"
He means that its all 3d because its all happening in front on him. The next line My eyes are red and gold the is standing straight up. Means he his crying out blood , because he has cut himself everytime he cries it seems like its blood. "This is not the way I pictured me" means he had more to his life than what is going on , he cant believe this is the way he has ended up." I cant control my shakes" means that he is cutting himself but because he is so upset he starts to shake uncontrollable. "How the hell did I get here" means he has seen a bight light or gone to heaven/hell and is wondering how have I got here , whats happening to me.
There is many more strong references to suicide and cutting in this song, its safe to say that's what it is about.
@XTECKERSX I took inside my shell as he is watching everything in his head, shell shock is PTSD a mental disorder that many people including I have not from war but from traumatic crap that happened through child hood and late teens ot his shell could be like a hermit but u take it as he is in the tub which is isnsageplace usually and he is in shock from blood.loss so he woukd ne in a very lethargic and yes even hypnotic state shaking from blood loss anyone who has hemorhaged from child birth, miscarriage or what have u...
@XTECKERSX I took inside my shell as he is watching everything in his head, shell shock is PTSD a mental disorder that many people including I have not from war but from traumatic crap that happened through child hood and late teens ot his shell could be like a hermit but u take it as he is in the tub which is isnsageplace usually and he is in shock from blood.loss so he woukd ne in a very lethargic and yes even hypnotic state shaking from blood loss anyone who has hemorhaged from child birth, miscarriage or what have u (4x. for me with child birth and falling in shower 4 days later hemoraghed again, then my little sister hit me 3 days after that in my stomach and I hemoraghed again then at 20 I had a miscarriage and I was okay 21 I had another at 20 weeks with identical twins that were conjoined still it was very traumatic but HD to have a D&C to have them removed hemoraghed 2 o r3 days later I shook uncontrollably with all of them) so the shaking I believe is from shock of blood loss he is also talking a light like a light coming on bc he is dying but it's like he's regretting his decisions and wonder how did it come to this why did I do this, etc.. and he is saying anyone can flip in a moments notice everyone has a breaking point but becareful bc what's inside him is inside all of us we could be suicidal, homicidal, or just lose I knew day and we will be wondering how the hell did i get here where did it all go wrong!!!
@XTECKERSX I took inside my shell as he is watching everything in his head, shell shock is PTSD a mental disorder that many people including I have not from war but from traumatic crap that happened through child hood and late teens ot his shell could be like a hermit but u take it as he is in the tub which is isnsageplace usually and he is in shock from blood.loss so he woukd ne in a very lethargic and yes even hypnotic state shaking from blood loss anyone who has hemorhaged from child birth, miscarriage or what have u...
@XTECKERSX I took inside my shell as he is watching everything in his head, shell shock is PTSD a mental disorder that many people including I have not from war but from traumatic crap that happened through child hood and late teens ot his shell could be like a hermit but u take it as he is in the tub which is isnsageplace usually and he is in shock from blood.loss so he woukd ne in a very lethargic and yes even hypnotic state shaking from blood loss anyone who has hemorhaged from child birth, miscarriage or what have u (4x. for me with child birth and falling in shower 4 days later hemoraghed again, then my little sister hit me 3 days after that in my stomach and I hemoraghed again then at 20 I had a miscarriage and I was okay 21 I had another at 20 weeks with identical twins that were conjoined still it was very traumatic but HD to have a D&C to have them removed hemoraghed 2 o r3 days later I shook uncontrollably with all of them) so the shaking I believe is from shock of blood loss he is also talking a light like a light coming on bc he is dying but it's like he's regretting his decisions and wonder how did it come to this why did I do this, etc.. and he is saying anyone can flip in a moments notice everyone has a breaking point but becareful bc what's inside him is inside all of us we could be suicidal, homicidal, or just lose I knew day and we will be wondering how the hell did i get here where did it all go wrong!!! Oh and hate rising is the demons inside of him and alll.ofnus

listen up!... the main idea:a person who is already dead but his spirit is alive.
"I felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell I wait and bleed"
He is dead,is in a graveyard and is kneeling in front of his own tumbstone,he clear the tumbstone of leaves.Is angry because is confuse, it don't undestand, it is dead or alive.Personaly i think is a ghost because he is saying he walk where the others(living people) can't see him, in afterlife . His shell is his grave,where hi will wait forever and will bleed(suffer) because hi dont understand how hi died. In the rest of the song the idea is continued, so u can analyze the song alone falowing this plan.
wow, finally someone who knows what they're talking about.
wow, finally someone who knows what they're talking about.
p.s. I'm guessing english isn't your first language, but it's "he," not "hi." thanks man
p.s. I'm guessing english isn't your first language, but it's "he," not "hi." thanks man
wow.. I never thought of it that way. Thanks :D Now I understand it more.
wow.. I never thought of it that way. Thanks :D Now I understand it more.

oh just a note to the people who can't understand why music like this song especially and any of slipknots and mudvaynes songs are so great. one thing is just the depth of there writing is completely on a different level. And Alteria . . . come on! What do you mean, how did they know what he was dreaming about . . . the song tells a story, it's not stating solid concrete facts.

All I have to say is, Who's Michelle, and why is Corey waiting and bleeding inside of her?

i'm not reading through 21 pages to see if anyone else noticed this so i'll just ask.
did anyone else notice the parallelism between these two lines?
I felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
as the hate rises, he falls

I think this is a song about the first time Goku turned Super Saiyan. It makes sense.

If the man died, how did they find out he was dreaming about the wrist slitting?

First off, Amateur my ass! I don't love this song more than others either. This song does have amazing vocals in it, and the song just kinda of goes with those suicide hymns that are so popular now days (Chop Suey, Crawling, blah blah blah) Probably, because everyone can relate to depression in one way or another, it connects with a lot of people. On to the meaning:
For the most part everyone is right. To be precise . . . The song is about a person that has repetitive black and white dreams that he is slashing his wrists in a bathtub. He wakes up to find that his dream is a reality so he tries to fall back asleep and wake up normally. He "waits and bleeds."
We know he's in a bathroom and that the dreams are black and white from, "I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time" We know that he's uncertain about whether he's sleeping and shit from "how did i get here" and "is it a dream, or a memory" Blu though you are an ass, nice mention of the Manchrian Candidate. The Manchurian Candidate, I think they are talking about, deals with the mind controlled programs run by the CIA and military. Using LSD, sensory deprivation, electro convulsive treatment, brain electrode implants and hypnosis was supposed to create amnesia, depersonalization, changes in identity, and altered states of consciousness. The Manchurian Candidate is an experimentally created multiple personality disorder called dissociative identity disorder. If he had this experiment done on him, has the disorder, or even if he is using it as sort of a metaphor, that would be an even greater explanation to his "get out of my head" and most of his confusion and problems.
Too much writing, catch ya on the flip!