Up on the Ladder Lyrics
Trapped in hyperspace
One minute, snake charming
The next in a motorcade
Watch me dance, I'm a puppet
You can almost see the string
Give me a line
I've been climbing up this ladder
I've been wasting my time
Up on the ladder, we wait for your mistake
Up on the ladder, trying to call out your name
Up on the ladder, you're all the fucking same

"T.A.R.D.I.S. or TARDIS" not "Tardis" Time And Relative Demensions In Space
it's good to see people know about Doctor Who.

isn't "stuck in the tardis" a doctor who reference?

I think it's about being used and knowing it and the resentment that goes along with it.
The lines "Watch me dance, I'm a puppet" and "Give me an answer, give me a lie" (I think it's lie but either way it's the same general point) suggest that he's being used and knows people aren't being honest with him.
One of my favorite songs, it's definitely very personal for me.
@Whiskyclone Uh huh I definitely agree, the resentment that comes with it is unbearable - so much so that I would never allow myself to be used again.
@Whiskyclone Uh huh I definitely agree, the resentment that comes with it is unbearable - so much so that I would never allow myself to be used again.
I'd also like to point out that the main/opening guitar riff gives off a very manipulative and cold feeling which is brilliant, the drums also make the song seem quite cruel and calculated.
I'd also like to point out that the main/opening guitar riff gives off a very manipulative and cold feeling which is brilliant, the drums also make the song seem quite cruel and calculated.

OK the lyrics are definitely wrong here, just listened to the 93 feet east recording on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq2i-0qaGg8) the first verse definitely contains references to the Tardis (from Doctor Who) and hyperspace, and a motorcade for that matter. All those references are about seeing things from a distance, much like being up on a ladder (see how that connects?!?!?!) and in my opinion the song is about Tony Blair (much like You and Whose Army?) hence the line "You let your people down" and "You're all the fucking same" Macaque has the right lyrics

macaque's lyrics are closest although one thing is that, the first line of the last four verses is this, "up on the ladder out of time to escape" or possibly it is as screenvalue writes it. In any case you are missing those lyrics.
I do feel that it is possilby about Tony Blair, or perhaps is more general towards a few of the worlds current leaders which all appear to be puppets. The ladder is what they had to climb to get where they are today(in power). Now that they are where they wanted to be, it seems useless, and they perhaps feel powerless just puppets. All people on the ladder are the fucking same, they are all disconnected from the people.

Seems like a stab at the average man all on the ladder trying to get higher and higher in society.

I LOVE this song. Love it. Its perfect. Amazing. Damn. only Radiohead can make me feel this way.

Given Thom's interest in socio-political and environmental issues - not to mention his disillusionment with world leadership during the Blair/Bush era - I have NO DOUBT that Up On the Ladder was originally written from this persepective. It seems to be a statement about the nature of politics/politicians... as well as a kind of lament from an ordinary citizen's POV that neither we, nor our elected politicians have been able to bring about effect change. ("I'm a puppet"... "I've been wasting my time"... "You're all the fucking same" etc).
However, the song's inclusion on the 2-disc edition of In Rainbows causes to me to view its meaning in a very different light. Think of UotL as the evil twin brother to Faust Arp if you will.
Looking at it this way, the lyrics seem to suggest a man who's in emotional torment because the object of his infatuation will not give him a straight answer regarding where their (non)relationship is heading. In other words, he's losing patience and starting to see her as a prick-tease ("you're all the fucking same") - though he seems equally angry with himself, and is beginning to lose it big-time.

The Tardis is the the spaceship/time ship used by Dr Who in the popular BBC show of the same name. If you have never watched the show you should give it a chance. It plays on the SciFi Channel in the US.

im stuck in the tardis trapped in hyperspace one minute snake charming the next in a motorcade
all the right moves and in the right places watch me dance im a puppet you can almost see the strings
give me an answer give me a line ive been climbing up this ladder ive been wasting my time
up on the ladder im tied to a stake up on the ladder we wait for your mistake
up on the ladder trying to call out your name up on the ladder youre all the fucking same