Salvation Lyrics
Don't do it, don't do it
Inject your soul with liberty
It's free, it's free
To all the kids with heroin eyes
Don't do it, don't do it
Because it's not, not what it seems
Oh no, it's not, not what it seems
Salvation, salvation, salvation is free
Sleepless nights
Tie your kids home to their beds
Clean their heads
To all the kids with heroin eyes
Don't do it, don't do it
Because it's not, not what it seems
No no, it's not, not what it seems
Salvation, salvation, salvation is free

(sigh) one of the things i like about the cranberries is that they're out there making messages about society, life, government, etc. plus, she has an awesome voice.

this song speaks not only of the negative repercussions of drug use, but of the free gift of salvation given to us by Christ.

This song is about not tying yourself to drugs. It costs nothing to be clean, in all senses of the word.

um, no. this song has an obvious meaning. STAY CLEAN. It's free, it's easy to not start as a teen and parents should help keep their kids off of drugs. This sense of inner peace (salvation) is free. You don't need the drugs (or any other un natural disturbance) to free you

Not heard this version only heard the Senses Fail, but clear from the lyrics a strong anti-drug song, but it does it withot being cheesy.
Will have to look his one up

Awesome, finally a song about NOT DOING drugs. :) luv this song by the way. :)

nah, this song is about not doing drugs becuse they will fuck up your life, adn you can have just as much fun sober as u can high!

this song means that drug is not necessary to be happy

I love this song!! Another great song, from another great album! Definitely about steering clear of drugs, and she's telling parents to do whatever they have to do to get their kids off them...Or, to prevent them from getting into the drugs in the first place... MaggieMichelle

I absolutely LOVE the video for this.