Up Around The Bend Lyrics
Just as fast as my feet can fly
Come away come away if you're goin'
Leave the sinkin' ship behind.
Come on the risin' wind
We're goin' up around the bend.
Better get while the gettin's good
Hitch a ride to the end of the highway
Where the neons turn to wood.
Fix your mind on a crystal day,
Always time for a good conversation,
There's an ear for what you say.
And we'll meet by the big red tree,
There's a place up ahead and I'm goin'
Come along, come along with me.
it's about joyriding...or just having fun...here's my in-depth analysis
in the first verse, he is telling somebody that there's a place up ahead to which he is running as fast as he can...we know he is running as fast as he can as the line "just as fast as my feet can fly" is a metaphor; literally it would mean: my feet are moving really fast and i will not go slower than as fast as they can move...at the end of the verse he invites the listener to come along and "leave this sinkin' ship behind"
AHA! could this be draft-dodgers fleeing to canada? california is kinda arc-shaped; is going "around the bend" goin up around the coast into a different country?
REFRAIN: here he is saying the "rising wind" of the war is becoming to much to handle and it's time to get out
the second verse starts off all about having fun, but the second line reveals that u gotta get out before it's too late: before u get drafted..."the end of the highway" represents the canadian border, which is where the glamour of california/the US turns into Canadian wilderness, "where the neons turn to wood"
the next-to-last verse states that, with newfound freedom, they can "ponder perpetual motion," enjoy the "crystal day," talk to each other about everything (as now there they don't hav to worry about others not being sympathetic to their anti-war views)...
the last verse once again refers to "the end of the highway" where they'll "meet by the big red tree," which refers to the Big Red Leaf on Canada's flag...the once again makes sure the listener knows that he is going up ahead to a place to which we are invited to come
Excellent comment...never considered the fleeing to canada, draft dodging angle(big red tree).....makes alot of sense, being that Fogerty was politically hip.....thanks, and my appreciation for the tune increased ten- fold.!!
Excellent comment...never considered the fleeing to canada, draft dodging angle(big red tree).....makes alot of sense, being that Fogerty was politically hip.....thanks, and my appreciation for the tune increased ten- fold.!!
Unbelievable guitar riff - the BEST ever!!! And I am almost 60 years
I'll stand by anyone who can make Bend rhyme with Wind.
The guitar solo was probably my favorite part of the song.
nah man hes not talking about dodging the war...hes talking about all the crap u get in life just get away from it....have u ever gone on a road trip where neon turns to wood...get out of the city...where the highway ends...if u ever go south when the highway ends ur in nowhere away from the city in a great place
the first verse is talking about leaving ur problems behind
second verse is about u can reck your brain all day thinking about crap that doesnt matter like perpetual motion u can enjoy a crystal day...what u think about to take ur mind of u crappy life....job...or family
third verse...where the highway ends theres a big red tree where he will meet someone whos gonna catch a ride from there crappy lives to the place up ahead
CCR always talked about peace man just loving your life but they knew everyone had to deal with crap...so leave ur crap behind come along come along with me
You guys are close. The meaning is about traveling to California. "Catch a ride to the end of the highway And we'll meet by the big red tree," The big red tree he's referring to are the California red woods. All of these guys were from California. He may have been referring also to Mendocino County in northern California where the best marijuana in the world is grown. Or maybe I've just smoked too much of that weed. Your guess.
Reminds me of Louisiana more than Canada.
But that interpretation is probably correct. Me, I'll take the song for face value; it is a great song to listen to in the car ona trip or just anywhere. On a personal note, it is probably how I'll feel once I get to leave my own "sinkin' ship" behind.
Overall, a great song. Anything by CCR is awesome.
Another favourite of mine of CCR's. For me, it's all about that riff - Deu, deu-deu, deiu-deiu-deiu!
Could be more general than draft dodging, more just about the hippie revolution. The place up ahead is the idealistic future. Leave the sinking ship behind (the current status quo) and come join the movement.
I personally think this song could go either way. It could be about draft-dodging... or it could be about just getting out and goin. I personally think its the latter. Just gettin' out and findin' somewhere away from the crowds and crap of city life. Its hard to believe Fogerty was from LA, and the rest of the boys from SF. For me, this song is one of the best rock songs out there, and I don't think Syknard or any of the later southern boys would have done half as well if it hadn't been for CCR.