Spit It Out Lyrics
Maybe it's time you had the tables turned
Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
And the verdict is guilty...
Steppin' where you fear to tread
Stop, drop and roll - you were DEAD FROM THE GIT-GO!
Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought
Always is, never was
Foundation made of piss and vinegar
Step to me, I'll smear ya -Think I fear ya? BULLSHIT!
Just another dumb punk chompin' at this tit
Is there any way to break through the noise?
Was it something that I said that got you bent?
It's gotta be that way if you want it
Sanity, Literal Profanity HIT ME!
All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out
Keepin' all your little spies and leavin' when you realise
Step up, fairy
I guess it's time to bury your ass with the chrome
Straight to the dome
You heard that right, bitch, I didn't stutter
If you know what's good - sit, shut up and beg, brother
Backstab - Don't you know who you're dissin'?
Side swipe - we know THE ASS THAT YOU'RE KISSIN'!
Can't hear shit cuz I keep gettin' louder
Step up, and you get a face full o' tactic
Lippin' off hard, goin' home in a basket
You got no pull, no power, no NUTHIN'
Now you start shit? Well, ain't that somethin'?
Payoffs don't protect, and you can't hide if you want
But I'LL FIND YOU - Comin' up behind you!
All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out
All the needlenose punchin' is makin' me irate
Sick o' my bitchin' fallin' on deaf ears
Where YOU gonna be in the next five years?
The crew and all the fools, and all the politix
Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick
You got DICK when they passed out the good stuff
Are you sick of me? GOOD ENOUGH - HAD ENOUGH
FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemas!
All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out

god damn you metal heads with your "fuck everything ideas" not all bands think like that you fucking losers FUCK. im a metal head and instead of thinkin right away "oh this means fuck everything cause he sounda angry and he has angry lyrics" i think "i wonder what hes actually talkin about" this song isnt about "the shining" thats just a video,videos dont always interpret the song,this song is about "friends", you know the ones that step all over you and you let them,well the guy in the song finally says something but hes such a pussy it doesnt go through "Sick o' my bitchin' fallin' on deaf ears" so its an ongoing cycle,thats all i could interpret i hope a SMART metal head can help out with the rest.

thank u for posting these lyrics. i could never understand what he was saying when he says 'FUCK ME I'M ALL OUT OF ENEMIES' Me and my friend just said 'fuck me more with a bit of meat' it's stupid i know but that's what we said. anyways slipknot never get played on the radio in aus and it really sux

Hey fuck man, everyone else comes on here and spouts bullshit and no one fucking says anything. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. SxPn69 you can shut the fuck up you little kid, and heather.....sorry.

by tsucol on 08-15-2002 @ 06:18:25 PM
i hate slipknot, the only reason i had to write this is 'cause i live in iowa and i hate every single one of you. start listening to good music before you grow up and turn into a fucking retard(and i say this because none of you can be over 10). anyway, please get a better band idol than these faggots who dress up in masks so no one throws rocks at them on the street because of how untalented their music is.
Look, your entitled to your opinion and so are we (just like just_a_loser stated) So don't insult people with different tastes than you...and please, enough with the "real music" shit...all music is music....some, like punk, is music that is very simple and has very unintricate guitar and drums...some is more difficult but it's all music....if your going to bitch about "real music" well then I'd have to say the only "real music" is bethoven and bach....Don't just say you hate them because that's just dumb, you hate them why? because you can't stand the way they don't really scream and you don't like the fact that they don't go on and on about vmpires and death and have very deep lyrics (most of the time)....so just accept it, people have different tastes
@vampirella666 Hm, you call us imature but you use 'faggot' as a deogratory term. Well, I grew up with paranoid Schizophrenia, and Slipknot was a way for me to release my built up emotions without killing myself. So, they literally saved my life, no other band could fit their role.
@vampirella666 Hm, you call us imature but you use 'faggot' as a deogratory term. Well, I grew up with paranoid Schizophrenia, and Slipknot was a way for me to release my built up emotions without killing myself. So, they literally saved my life, no other band could fit their role.
YOU'RE the immature one, you could have kept your opinion tl yourself, but no. YOU came here, and YOU commented this. Probably seeking arguments, hoping that childish arguing may help you regain wgst little you have left of your youth(I know this is a childish insult, it's mainly here as...
YOU'RE the immature one, you could have kept your opinion tl yourself, but no. YOU came here, and YOU commented this. Probably seeking arguments, hoping that childish arguing may help you regain wgst little you have left of your youth(I know this is a childish insult, it's mainly here as an oxymoron).
If you're so mature, go use your precious to help society, not putting us Knotheads down.
Oh, and I fuckin love Beethoven, and a huge range of artists. I like bands ranging from Slipknot, to the beatles. So don't be so presumptuous.
G'day, Pal

buddy... wut is ur major malfunction... are u sick in the head?

dude i totally agree with you "obamayomamaxD"
hating is just ppls way of getting attention they think they diserve..which is really sad...just go slit your wrists,end your life and make the world a better place without your whining you bitches

i think this song is about people who talk behind peoples backs and say shit about them and they just need to stop and say right to their faces or maybe they should just SHUTUP!

It's about annihilating your enemies.

I sent this to my exboyfriend ROFL I hope he listens to everyday
@XxXDeadEyesPrincessXxX suppose it depends if he dumped you or you dumped him.
@XxXDeadEyesPrincessXxX suppose it depends if he dumped you or you dumped him.

Heh heh heh...I somehow submitted the lyrics before I finished typing them O_O;
Oh well, I resubmitted the complete lyrics =D